This is a public database of research institutions and projects that want to host science journalists for their FRONTIERS Residencies.

The Hosts Database contains expressions of interest received by the FRONTIERS Team and these are a great starting point for applicants. However, an institution does not have to be in this Database to be eligible as a host institution. Journalists are encouraged to do their investigation and contact the research institutions that best fit their project.

If you have any questions or feedback about this database, please check out the FRONTIERS Program Guide and Frequently Asked Questions pages, or write to

  • Chalmers University of Technology

    Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. The university has 3,100 employees and 10,000 students, and offers education in engineering, science, shipping and architecture.

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    Some research areas to highlight:

    Cutting edge quantum research
    Chalmers is building Sweden’s first quantum computer and developing quantum algorithms for application in massive simulations in the research centre WACQT. Also being studied are new quantum materials for quantum technologies, quantum sensing and quantum optics.

    Materials research for green transition
    At Chalmers, there is experimental and theoretical research in the field of energy. This includes the conversion of solar energy and energy storage in novel batteries to large-scale transport of energy, with significant breakthroughs in structural batteries and floating solar energy. The research is conducted on renewable raw materials, lightweight materials and reduced environmental impact of materials.

    Optimisation of human health
    Chalmers has a field of research that focuses on optimisation of human health. This includes cutting edge research in the development of improved diagnostics, prevention of resistant bacterial infections, including through the development of materials such as graphene and gels, new methods for drug delivery and precision nutrition.

    Microwave and antenna technology
    At Chalmers, there are close collaborations with industry leaders for certain research, including improvement of hardware, such as transmitters and receivers for 6G, integration of gallium nitride technology and space components required to perform in extreme conditions. Researchers are developing the wireless systems of the future for everything from cancer treatment to self-driving cars, fast mobile networks and space antennas. Chalmers’ cleanroom and Gigahertz lab are world-class research environments.

    Sustainable energy systems
    At Chalmers, there is research on electric power generation and distribution to increase renewable and variable electricity in the power system, as well as research into materials and diagnostics for high-voltage networks. Within energy, road transport is the dominant field of research, but there are also studies looking into hydrogen, electric and hybrid vehicles, how a vehicle’s energy impacts design and environmental impact, as well as industrial combustion and gasification processes, carbon capture and energy systems analysis.

    About the city of Gothenburg
    Gothenburg is an open and welcoming city on the west coast, with a buzzing city centre, a picturesque archipelago and great travel connections to all the capital cities nearby. The city is leading the way in technology and logistics, being the hub for Northern Europe’s automotive industry and the main port for northern Europe. It also boasts thriving industry clusters and two highly ranking universities.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Henrik Dahlberg
    Host Institution
    Chalmers University of Technology
    Hosting Conditions

    Chalmers' goal with a journalist in residence within the FRONTIERS project is to offer conditions that correspond to those that apply to employed staff: full access to premises and research environments, own workplace, introduction to the department in question, possibility to use the cafeteria etc. Research staff have the freedom to work remotely, which means that it is not possible to specify the extent to which researchers are on site. Chalmers' press office will be on hand throughout the period and will monitor and follow up that the visiting journalist has good conditions. At Chalmers, participation in FRONTIERS has support from the highest management level.

  • Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

    The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) was founded in 2009 as one of the first interdisciplinary research centres of the University of Luxembourg. Our staff members combine their expertise in a broad spectrum of disciplines – from computational biology to clinical and experimental neuroscience – to study the brain and its diseases.

    The LCSB aims to gain a mechanistic understanding of neurodegenerative processes and to use the resulting knowledge to develop new ways to diagnose, prevent and treat neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. To realise this vision, we conduct research in the field of Systems Biology and Biomedicine – in the lab, in the clinic and in silico (computer modelling and simulations).

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    For over a decade, the LCSB has established a state-of-the-art infrastructure and developed skills in several fields, such as genetics, metaproteomics, enzymology and cheminformatics. We foster interdisciplinarity because we strongly believe that complex problems can only be solved when the best minds from different disciplines come together and form a team.

    We work together with scientific partners worldwide and carry out collaborative projects with research-oriented companies and hospitals, to accelerate the translation of research results into clinical applications and to tackle the growing issue represented by neurodegenerative diseases worldwide.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Sabine Schmitz
    Host Institution
    University of Luxembourg
    Hosting Conditions

    The LCSB is located on campus Belval, in the south of Luxembourg, close to France, Belgium and Germany. New buildings and the industrial heritage of the blast furnaces combine into an innovative campus, including a stunning university library. The campus is easily accessible as public transport is free in Luxembourg. We will provide science journalists with a desk in our building as well as access to shared areas. Our communication team will work in collaboration with the university press office to introduce science journalists to different research teams and to organise visits. Thanks to the LCSB dynamic work culture, scientific seminars and networking activities will also happen on a regular basis, showcasing the multidisciplinary and multicultural environment typical of the LCSB.

  • Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

    The challenges of human health and diseases are very complex and the Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is able to look at them from different perspectives, as it comprises five areas of biomedical research: experimental endocrinology, experimental oncology, virology, neurobiology as well as clinical and translational research. The Biomedical Research Center is a multidisciplinary institution of basic and translational research. We focus on the study of human disease mechanisms and their interactions and on the development of new preventive, screening and diagnostic approaches that are not yet available in current medical practice in Slovakia. We aim to contribute to the explanation of the causes, mechanisms and consequences of metabolic, neurobiological, neuroendocrine, autoimmune, cardiovascular, oncological and infectious diseases and to develop new strategies for combating these diseases, that represent a great health, social and economic burden on our society.

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    Research projects
    – experimental oncology – study of environmental, genetic, epigenetic and (patho)physiological mechanisms of carcinogenesis and cancer progression,
    research and development of new approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis and therapy.
    – experimental endocrinology – research in the fields of endocrinology, neuroendocrinology and psychiatry, cardiology, exercise physiology and integrative (patho)physiology of metabolic disorders, as well as genetics and DNA diagnostics of rare disorders with focus on direct translation into the clinical practice. – – virology – research on epidemiology, pathogenesis and immunology and of viral and rickettsial infections, research and development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, development of analytical methods for practice.
    -neurobiology – research of central nervous system focused on vascular and traumatic disorders, mechanisms of injury, neuroprotection, and new approaches to regeneration of nerve tissue.

    S. Pastorekova: Role of the CA IX ectodomain in tumor growth and metastasis
    B. Smolkova: Identification of biological markers for prevention and translational medicine in pancreatic cancer
    J. Ukropec: Molecular mediators of the response to complex lifestyle intervention in patients with obesity: Regulation of metabolic flexibility in vitro and in vivo
    B. Ukropcova: Ameliorating Effects of Aging by Physical Exercise: Molecular, Metabolic and Structural Adaptations, Multi-Organ Integrative Approach
    B. Klempa: Zoonoses Emergence across Degraded and Restored Forest Ecosystems (ZOE).

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Ela Rybárová
    Host Institution
    Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
    Hosting Conditions

    An individual desk is available, and there is a press officer. Our team is mostly working in the office (four institutes are based in Bratislava, one is in Kosice). Access to canteen

  • Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery, University of Oxford

    The Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery (Kavli INsD) is a groundbreaking interdisciplinary science institute focused on world-class nanoscience research. Established in April 2021 as the 20th institute funded by the esteemed Kavli Foundation, USA, we are proud to be the University of Oxford’s first institute spanning the life, medical, and physical sciences.

    Led by the distinguished Professor Dame Carol Robinson, a renowned chemist specializing in mass spectrometry and the study of protein structures, Kavli INsD is committed to making significant contributions in critical areas such as antimicrobial resistance, brain and mental health, infectious diseases, and malaria. Additionally, we strive to develop cutting-edge instrumentation that brings the analytical power of the physical sciences into the realm of cellular exploration.

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    At Kavli INsD, our exceptional team of 38 faculty members and over 450 researchers represents diverse backgrounds in structural biology, biochemistry, pathology, chemistry, physics, physiology, and engineering. United by our shared focus on the nanoscale—the scale of proteins, viruses, and DNA—we are at the forefront of unravelling the mysteries of the most fundamental unit of life: the cell.
    Together, we are shaping the future of nanoscience, fostering an inclusive and collaborative working culture, and driving breakthrough discoveries that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the world around us.
    Because our institute covers two very important and highly topical subjects – research culture and interdisciplinarity we believe press coverage would be highly beneficial to publicize these messages.

    Our institute also includes four current ERC Advanced, Starter and grantees (Professors Dame Carol Robinson and Molly Stevens, Professors Philipp Kukura and Andrew Baldwin. Importantly our research is also translational with both Refeyn and OMass therapeutics forming on the back of ERC Proof of concept funding.

    For details please explore

    Research Themes
    1. Understanding biological function and regulation requires characterising biomolecules, and their structures and interactions. Developing new ways to study biomolecules is a major focus of our research, and the tools we develop underpin much of our work (e.g mass spectrometry, next-generation imaging, novel bioanalytic technologies, and biosensors and probes)

    2. Advanced diagnostics & personalised medicine – our long-term goal is to democratise and personalise healthcare with ultrasensitive, cost-effective, user-friendly and mobile-connected diagnostic technologies.
    Engineering & exploring the bio-material interface – we design biomaterials that influence the behaviour of cells at the interface of living and non-living matter by tweaking the surface chemistry and texture.
    Bioelectronics & regenerative engineering – we have a growing portfolio of cutting-edge biomaterials designed to repair tissues, enhance regeneration and deliver drugs to targeted areas of the body.
    Digital medicine & big data – we are harnessing the computational power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance understanding of molecules, materials, and processes.

    3. Infectious disease poses a huge unmet global medical need leading to ‘spillover’ events – where pathogens move from wildlife or livestock to people – become more common, increasing the frequency of pandemics. We therefore urgently need to strengthen our pandemic preparedness. We are working on SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses, Dengue, Zika, Malaria, Hepatitis B & C

    3. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global health threat. In AMR, microbes such as bacteria develop the ability to survive exposure to the antibiotic drugs that are used to treat and prevent infections. Through the rise of resistance, medical procedures become riskier and common infections untreatable. It has become clear that tackling AMR requires a diverse range of actions, which include developing new antibiotics as well as rapid diagnostics that require understanding the modes of action of existing antibiotics and the mechanisms that fuel resistance, to identify new targets for novel antibiotics and to devise ways to rapidly detect the presence of drug resistance.

    4. Neurodegenerative diseases and motor neuron disease, represent an increasing healthcare burden for an ageing global population. Largely untreatable, these diseases are already a leading cause of disability and their prevalence is rising. Our research aims to understand the fundamental biological processes that underlie normal brain development and are responsible for neurodegeneration, and to inform the development of treatments.

    5. Amidst a persistent lack of direct evidence linking biological mechanisms to depression symptoms we are charting differences at the molecular level of receptors and transporters at the blood-brain barrier, to also develop effective biomarkers for anhedonic depression to better inform therapeutic intervention.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Desiree Tennant
    Host Institution
    University of Oxford
    United Kingdom
    Hosting Conditions

    Support offered includes individual desk, IT support, WIFI. Visitor Access card for building access in core working hours 8h00 – 18h00. Hybrid and flexible working hours if preferred. Networking with University Press office and communications teams specific to medical, physical and life science disciplines. Onsite cafeteria. The building has modern facilities eg showers, kitchens with fridges, dishwashers, bicycle racks. Access to online library resources. With over 100 libraries spanning several disciplines and University Colleges, appropriate onsite access will identified with you. Costs associated with entry into the UK to be covered by the individual. College accommodation to be determined.

  • Babraham Institute – Ageing research for lifelong health

    The Babraham Institute is a centre for discovery research in human biology with a view to understanding how our bodies work and what changes with age and disease. As a pioneering fundamental life science institute, our overarching aims are to understand the human biology that underpins health. Our research provides the bedrock for interventions that promote health and tackle age-related decline, thereby maximising heath span – the numbers of years lived in good health.

    Our 20 research groups, grouped by area of focus into three research programmes: epigenetics, signalling and immunology, possess expertise in defining the molecular and cellular details that determine cell identity, human development, the effect of diet on health through epigenetic mechanisms, how our immune systems develop and respond to threats, the effect of age on the function of the immune system, protein quality control, the biology of protein aggregation, cellular recycling and cellular fitness.

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    Ongoing research in specific pioneering areas includes:

    The research of the Institute is underpinned by eight cutting-edge scientific facilities. The equipment and the expertise of the facility teams enable our researchers to ‘think big’, taking new approaches to make discoveries and advance our knowledge of biology. We have a tradition of pioneering new research techniques that take science forward.

    Our work provides the foundation for more applied, commercial bioscience. Our co-location with the 60 life science companies on the Babraham Research Campus provides the perfect environment for entrepreneurship, collaboration and innovation as we work to accelerate the application of our discoveries for societal benefit. Our partnerships with academic and commercial bioscientists allow better science to happy more efficiently on both sides. In addition to joining the Institute’s community, a journalist in residence would also have exposure to the campus community, exploring knowledge exchange at the interface of academic and commercial research.

    The Institute has a long history of discovery research and our research is classed as internationally leading. Our 20 research groups, working across three themes, bring curiosity, bold scientific ambition and expertise to undertake pioneering discovery research. Our approach focuses on cellular and molecular biology working in several model systems (fruit flies, nematode worms, cell cultures, mice, human samples). This research is enabled by the Institute’s cutting-edge scientific facilities (bioinformatics, biological chemistry, biological support unit (small animal unit), flow cytometry, gene targeting, genomics, imaging, mass spectrometry) and achieved by innovation from our research teams who develop techniques to provide novel biological insights.

    Our findings advance our understanding of human biology and generates the essential biological knowledge that provides the platform for lifestyle and healthcare interventions.

    Scientific progress has driven incredible advances in recent centuries and life expectancies are higher than ever before. Yet improvement in healthy life span – the time when we’re still fit and active, often called health span – has been minimal. Almost 1 in 5 people in the UK are now over 65 years old and that proportion is rising. By studying how cells in our body specialise, regulate their genes, communicate and defend themselves against illness, we hope to gain insights into why we age, why some of us age faster than others and how we can stay healthy for longer.

    The biology of ageing is generally not well understood, so we take a fundamental approach to understanding how our bodies change as we age. It’s not yet possible to directly intervene in the human ageing process. Instead, we use a combination of cell culture, animal models, organoids, and computational models to examine and understand the basic principles of biological ageing.

    Many major illnesses including cancer, diabetes and heart disease become more common with age. Older people are also much more prone to contagious diseases such as flu. By understanding ageing, we can lay the foundations for ways to revitalise ageing systems in our bodies, which could greatly reduce the number of cases of diseases like these and many others.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Louisa Wood
    Host Institution
    Babraham Institute
    United Kingdom
    Hosting Conditions

    A journalist in residence at the Institute will have numerous opportunities both on campus and within the wider Babraham Research Campus. They will have all necessary resources and support from several teams to explore their focus area. With guidance from the FRONTIERS manager, they can discuss, observe, and join research discussions. The fellow can attend seminars and events featuring distinguished speakers and work dynamically with research groups while having a base with the Communications team. They will receive a visitor status badge for campus access and assistance from the Information Librarian, including journal access. On-site amenities include a cafeteria, subsidized gym, yoga sessions, and optional accommodation. Beyond the Institute, they can engage with commercial research and innovation on campus and participate in Cambridge-led initiatives. The Institute fosters an inclusive and supportive environment for life science research.

  • University of Graz – Climate Change

    Understanding the climate system and climate change, exploring changing climate risks and impacts, low carbon transition solutions and building climate resilience are the major aims of one field of excellence at the University of Graz. At the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change scientists from geophysics and climate physics, meteorology, economics, transition research, geography and regional research deal with both the physically oriented and the socio-economic aspects of climate change and global change as well as the transition to a low-carbon world.

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    They are part of the network Climate Change Graz, an association of more than 100 researchers who investigate which economic, production-related, social, political and legal changes are necessary for a profound and sustainable transformation. In addition to scientific excellence the goal is to raise awareness of the urgency and personal concern, especially among opinion leaders and multipliers. And, in a further step, to initiate the creation of new framework conditions that can lead to changes in the behaviour of organisations, companies and people.
    There are four research groups at the Wegener Center tackling questions such as: How is global warming developing? How are individuals and society affected by climate change? How do we achieve the net-zero target?

    The University of Graz is located in the south-east of Austria. Founded in 1585, it is the second oldest and – with almost 30,000 students and nearly 5000 employees – also the second largest university of the country. It has six faculties – Humanities, Catholic Theology, Natural Sciences, Law, Social and Economic Sciences as well as Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences. Their key objective is to conduct research at the highest level in these areas. Journalists in residence will have the opportunity to gain insights in all of them.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Dagmar Eklaude
    Host Institution
    University of Graz
    Hosting Conditions

    The journalist in residence will be part of the team of the Communications Office and will have an individual desk with LAN and WIFI and all the necessary infrastructure there – including a small kitchen with coffee maker, kettle, fridge and microwave. Six editors working at the Communications Office are former journalists and will be there to establish contacts, guide and help if necessary. The guest will have access to the premises 24/7, access to the library and online resources, and the same rights and possibilities as university members. Many of the employees work from home one day per week, but there is always somebody present during the opening hours and can be contacted for assistance. Working hours are flexible. The team of the Communications Office is looking forward to welcoming an international journalist and ready to help in all possible ways.

  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

    The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is a PhD-granting research institution located in Klosterneuburg, 18 km from the center of Vienna, Austria. In the 15 years since the start of its operations, ISTA has grown to over 80 research groups in the life sciences, mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, system sciences, and related areas. ISTA has one the highest success rates in ERC grant applications and currently has 34 active ERC grants in diverse research areas (20 in the “Physical Sciences & Engineering” and 14 in the “Life Sciences” domains).
    The Institute employs professors on a tenure-track model, post-doctoral researchers, and PhD students.

    The Graduate School of ISTA offers fully funded PhD positions to highly qualified candidates with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. While dedicated to the principle of curiosity-driven research, ISTA aims to deliver scientific findings to society through technological transfer and science education. The President of the Institute is Martin Hetzer, a renowned molecular biologist, and former Senior Vice President at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, USA.

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    Active ERC grants

    Physical sciences & engineering:

    • Randomness and structure in combinatorics – Kwan
    • Bridging Scales in Random Materials – Fischer
    • Random matrices beyond Wigner-Dyson-Mehta – Erdoes
    • Spectral rigidity and integrability for billiards and geodesic flows – Kaloshin
    • Cavity Quantum Electro Optics: Microwave photonics with nonclassical states – Fink
    • A quantum hybrid of atoms and milligram-scale pendulums: towards gravitational quantum mechanics – Hosten
    • Non-Ergodic Quantum Matter: Universality, Dynamics and Control – Serbyn
    • Orbital Chern Insulators in van der Waals Moiré Systems – Polshyn
    • Gaining leverage with spin liquids and superconductors – Modic
    • VULCAN: matter, powered from within – Palacci
    • Tribocharge: a multi-scale approach to an enduring problem in physics – Waitukaitis
    • Non-Equilibrium Protein Assembly: from Building Blocks to Biological Machines – Saric
    • ab initio PRediction Of MaterIal SynthEsis – Cheng
    • FastML: Efficient and Cost-Effective Distributed Machine Learning – Alistarh
    • Computational Discovery of Numerical Algorithms for Animation and Simulation of Natural Phenomena – Wojtan
    • The design and evaluation of modern fully dynamic data structures – Henzinger M.
    • Vigilant Algorithmic Monitoring of Software – Henzinger T.
    • Formal Methods for Stochastic Models: Algorithms and Applications – Chatterjee
    • Young galaxies as tracers and agents of cosmic reionization – Matthee
    • Organisation of CLoUdS, and implications for Tropical cyclones and for the Energetics of the tropics, in current and in a waRming climate – Muller

    Life Sciences:

    • Design of Nucleic Acid-Templated Ordered Protein Assemblies – Praetorius
    • A molecular atlas of Actin filament IDentities in the cell motility machinery – Schur
    • Synthetic and structural biology of Rab GTPase networks – Loose
    • Structure and mechanism of respiratory chain molecular machines – Sazanov
    • Mechanisms and biological functions of H3K27me3 reprogramming in plant microspores – Feng
    • Design Principles of Branching Morphogenesis – Hannezo
    • Mechanisms of tissue size regulation in spinal cord development – Kicheva
    • 60-Hz light entrainment to unlock mental health conditions – Siegert
    • Action Selection in the Midbrain: Neuromodulation of Visuomotor Senses – Jösch
    • Development and Evolution of Tetrapod Motor Circuits – Sweeney
    • Toward an understanding of the brain interstitial system and the extracellular proteome in health and autism spectrum disorders – Novarino
    • Learning the shape of synaptic plasticity rules for neuronal architectures and function through machine learning – Vogels
    • Understanding the evolution of continuous genomes – Barton
    • Cyclic nucleotides as second messengers in plants – Friml
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Florian Schlederer
    Host Institution
    Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
  • Politecnico di Torino – Discover multidisciplinary frontier research at an Engineering university: science advancement for the benefit of society

    Politecnico di Torino was the first Italian Engineering School, founded in the mid-19th century. Engineers, architects, designers and urban planners have been trained at Politecnico di Torino for over 160 years with rigor, integrity and high-level standards. This long ever-changing history has rated Politecnico among the top European technical universities for education and research in Engineering and Architecture.

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    Politecnico di Torino residency program involves ERC researchers in the following research areas:

    Computational Electromagnetics (CEM): we investigate the scientific field at the origin of all new modeling and simulation tools to tackle the design challenges of emerging and future technologies in applied electromagnetics- ERC Project 321 From Cubic3 To2 Linear1 Complexity in Computational Electromagnetics.
    The Grand Challenge of 321 project is to investigate and exploit a dynamic Fast Direct Solver for Maxwell Problems that would run in a purely linear complexity for an arbitrary number and configuration of degrees of freedom. It will thus solve a scientific problem that the CEM scientific community has been seeking for 20 years.
    Host researcher: Francesco Paolo Andriulli

    Regenerative Medicine for cardiac tissues: our research will allow direct reprogramming of cardiac cells using in vitro models of human fibrotic heart tissue, followed by in vivo studies – ERC project BIORECAR Direct cell reprogramming therapy in myocardial regeneration through an engineered multifunctional platform integrating biochemical instructive cues.
    Through the BIORECAR project, it is expected to get new knowledge on still unexplored regenerative medicine tools that may lead to successful direct reprogramming of human Cardiac fibrotic tissues.
    Host Researcher: Valeria Chiono

    Nature inspired production of asymmetric materials: symmetry is a key structural feature in natural systems and allows for self-organization and unidirectionality of chemical transformations. We aim to produce materials bearing different functionalities on the two opposite sides – ERC Project JANUS-BI All-liquid phase JANUS BIdimensional materials for functional nano-architectures and assemblies.
    The JANUS BI project will deliver fundamentally new abilities to engineer nanomaterials so as to provide “bottom-up” nanoscale-platforms where a tight control over the structural and functional properties is exerted, of major importance for the progress of human ability to mimic natural systems.
    Host Researcher: Teresa Gatti

    Nanoparticles for innovative therapies to fight cancer: We develop safe and biomimetic nanoparticles, able to travel in the blood stream upon injection and to find their own way to target cells, activated remotely and on-demand against cancer – ERC Project TrojaNanoHorse Hybrid immune-eluding nanocrystals as smart and active theranostic weapons against cancer.
    The TrojaNanoHorse project pushes forward the boundaries of the nanomedicine field, proposing innovative tools for cancer treatment which overcome the conventional features of smart drug delivery systems.
    Host Researcher: Valentina Cauda

    Coupling acoustic and aerodynamic flows for advanced acoustic liners: We work to model how an acoustic wave interacts with an acoustic absorbing surface in the presence of a flow to design novel noise reduction technologies useful in many fields of application from automotive to aerospace– ERC Project LINING Acoustic fLow InteractioN over sound absorbing surfaces: effects on ImpedaNce and drag.
    The LINING project pushes the boundaries of our current knowledge by explaining the physical reasons behind unexpected results found in measurements by many labs around the world. Such knowledge can improve the current design approach and pave the way towards more complex geometries, i.e. meta-material, for which the impact of the flow is potentially more relevant than in current technologies.
    Host Researcher: Francesco Avallone

    Innovative diagnosis methods for cancer and viruses: We develop a novel and cutting-edge diagnostic platform to detect and quantify cancer and viral bio-markers in bodily fluids, making simpler, faster and more economical the diagnosis of many diseases – ERC Project ANFIBIO: Amplification-free Identification of Cancer and Viral Biomarkers via Plasmonic Nanoparticles and Liquid Biopsy.
    ANFIBIO seeks to implement a breakthrough concept of DNA and RNA identification that takes inspiration from sequencing technologies and leverages direct SERS sensing and machine learning approaches to deliver a sensitive, accurate, and low-cost platform for the detection of biomarkers of clinical relevance.
    Host Researcher: Laura Fabris

    Physical principles for a better use of sun energy: We will enhance the capacity of solar energy conversion extending the width of wavelengths that are converted to the full spectral range delivered by the Sun – ERC Project PADEIA Plasmon induced hot electron extraction with doped semiconductors for infrared solAr energy.
    PAIDEIA project answers fundamental questions in physics and materials processing of heterojunctions and addresses the grand challenge of secure, clean and efficient energy at the same time.
    Host Researcher: Francesco Scotognella

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Isabella Susa
    Host Institution
    Politecnico di Torino
    Hosting Conditions

    Politecnico di Torino will provide a work environment allowing the Frontiers grantee to work in optimal conditions. The project is managed by the Polito Communication and Promotion Department which includes a Press office, a Social Media office and a Research Communication office who will assist the grantee in all the administrative, organizational and contact needs. In particular we will provide: a) An individual desk in the Communication Department where people work in a hybrid way (8 days/month remote work on average), accessible during working hours 5 days/week. b) Access to the research labs of the projects chosen for his/her work during the residency in hours to be decided with the research group; c)Wifi access; • d) PC and/or screen if needed; e) Access to the Politecnico personnel canteen at the same conditions. Our university is located in a very lively and interesting town

  • Cluster of Excellence “Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections” (CMFI)

    The surfaces of the human body host colonies of microorganisms, known as microbiomes. Along with bacteria which have a positive effect on human health, microbiomes contain potentially life-threatening pathogens. In the past, broad-spectrum antibiotics have often been used to tackle them. Nowadays it is known that this not only promotes resistance to antibiotics – in many cases, it also damages the microbiome as a whole.

    CMFI researchers aim to develop new strategies to control microbial mechanisms and fight infections.

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    The Cluster of Excellence CMFI brings together researchers from different disciplines such as infection biology, immunology, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical biology, antibiotics research, molecular and medical microbiology, biotechnology, environmental biology, systems biology, chemistry, and medical history and ethics. Their common goal is to elucidate the mechanisms of interaction between beneficial and harmful bacteria and the host in order to develop novel targeted therapeutic and anti-infective treatments.

    The CMFI is one of more than 50 Clusters of Excellence funded by German federal and state governments as part of the Excellence Strategy to sustainably strengthen Germany as a center of science, improve its international competitiveness and make cutting-edge research at German universities visible. In addition to the University of Tübingen, the Max Planck Institute for Biology and the University Hospital Tübingen are involved in the CMFI.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Leon Kokkoliadis
    Host Institution
    University of Tübingen / Cluster of Excellence CMFI
    Hosting Conditions

    There will be an individual desk and access to our research buildings. The journalist will be supported by the press office regarding information about research directions at CMFI, suitable host researchers. Most of the CMFI members are working in the office/lab.

  • Biomedical Science Research Center “Alexander Fleming” (BSRC FLEMING)

    The Biomedical Science Research Center “Alexander Fleming” (BSRC FLEMING) was established through the efforts of Amalia Koutsouri-Fleming, a microbiologist and wife of Alexander Fleming, the Nobel Laureate 1945 in Medicine. She had the vision for a Greek Center of Scientific and Technological Excellence, based on meritocracy, excellence and innovation purposed to attract and develop young Greek researchers.
    BSRC FLEMING started its operation in 1999 and is nowadays a top-ranked non-profit research organization of 23 group leaders and 130 researchers, with a mission to perform cutting edge basic and translational research in biomedical sciences, provide state-of the-art training and mentorship to scientists and students of all levels, offer high end scientific and technological services, and engage in technology transfer and innovation. The center is located in an area of 128.000 sq.m. in Vari, a region on the Athenian Riviera. The Fleming Museum of Contemporary Science is also housed on the premises of the research center.

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    Its main research directions include Immunity & Inflammation, Neuroscience, Cancer Biology, RNA Biology & Epigenetics, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology. Additionally, BSRC FLEMING has recently established its frontier research in Biomolecular Engineering & Synthetic Biology with a European Research Area chair (ERA Chair), Dr. Georgios Skretas. These research directions reflect the work of its group leaders and serve as links between the two FLEMING Institutes: Institute for Bioinnovation (IBI) and Institute for Fundamental Biomedical Research (IFBR). The focus of IFBR is on unravelling the molecular and cellular basis of disease via novel animal models of human pathologies, while IBI’s vision is to advance fundamental research achievements towards innovative translational biotechnologies and drug development.
    BSRC FLEMING’s strength and international recognition arises from pioneering research towards understanding the molecular and cellular basis of human diseases, and development and validation of relevant animal models of chronic inflammatory diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, metabolic diseases, cancer and autoimmune syndromes, among others, and the development of new approaches for their diagnosis and treatment, using transdisciplinary approaches and state-of the art facilities and technologies. It is of note that several of its researchers have been included in the list of outstanding research leaders in Europe awarded ERC grants.
    The center also coordinates two major Research Infrastructures (RIs) for modeling human diseases and bioinformatics/biocomputing resources, while it participates in personalized medicine, precision oncology and bioimaging RIs.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Stadia Politi
    Host Institution
    Biomedical Science Research Center "Alexander Fleming" (BSRC FLEMING)
    Hosting Conditions

    The Journalist in residence will have access to all BSRC FLEMING premises, including laboratory facilities, shared equipment rooms, shared office and access to meeting rooms and cafeteria during working hours and days (Mon-Fri). She/he will be able to have direct contact with any of the center's researchers depending on the journalism project. The entire staff will communicate with him/her in English. She/he will be able to visit specific facilities, observe research experiments and attend all seminars and events organized by BSRC FLEMING. Transfer to the center is limited. The nearest bus station is 30-35' walking distance. However, the center provides transfer to the bus station once in the morning (approx. 09.00am) and once in the afternoon (approx. 17.00 pm). Other details and specific requirements will be discussed directly with the interested journalists.

  • August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBAPS)

    IDIBAPS is one of the leading biomedical research centers in Spain with an international projection. IDIBAPS is uniquely located in the Campus Clínic in Barcelona, joining efforts with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona and the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona to carry out excellent biomedical research and investigate the most common diseases in our society. Our mission is translational research; that is, we look to ensure that the questions that arise at the patient’s bedside find answers in the laboratory and that advances made in the laboratory are translated rapidly to the patient.

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    IDIBAPS research is organized into research areas and multidisciplinary programs.

    5 Research Areas and 3 transversal groups:
    1. Biological aggression and response mechanisms
    2. Respiratory, cardiovascular and renal pathobiology and bioengineering
    3. Liver, digestive system and metabolism
    4. Clinical and experimental neuroscience
    5. Oncology and haematology
    6. Transversal research groups focusing on primary care, pharmacology and nursing

    Multidisciplinary Programs:
    1. Transitional cancer research program
    2. Lymphoid neoplasms program
    3. Synaptic autoimmunity in neurology, psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience program

    Among the multiple research groups, we would like to highlight the following research lines, supported by ERC grants, for the FRONTIERS Science Journalism Residency Program:
    – Neuronal control of metabolism directed by Marc Claret, Principal Investigator of MITOSENSING project:
    – Cortical circuit dynamics directed by Jaime de la Rocha, Principal Investigator of PRIORS project:
    – Molecular pathology of lymphoid neoplasms directed by Elías Campo, Principal Investigator of BCLLatlas project:

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Daniel Arbós
    Host Institution
    Hosting Conditions

    The journalist will have access to IDIBAPS premises, including laboratories and meeting rooms, during working hours on weekdays (Mon-Fri). They will be provided access to the institution's Wi-Fi and online scientific articles. They will be included in the institute's mailing list to stay updated with all relevant news and events. Our institution offers hybrid work options and flexible working conditions; therefore, they will have access to shared desks located in the Communications Office and will be supported and mentored by a member of the Communications Team. Additionally, they will have direct contact with IDIBAPS researchers, visit their laboratories on a rotating basis to observe research experiments, attend scientific discussions, seminars and other social events organized by IDIBAPS.

  • National Science Platform (NSP) FOTONIKA-LV

    Towards frontier research projects in quantum sciences, space sciences and related technologies (targeting EU Framework program, ESA, and National Science Council calls) under the strategic guidance of two ERA Chairs: Dr.Rashid Ganeev and Prof. Bernard Foing accordingly in named disciplines of photonics sciences.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Arnolds Ubelis
    Host Institution
    National Science Platform of the University of Latvia
    Hosting Conditions

    The Headquarter building of NSP FOTONIKA-LV is located in old town of Riga. Our research teams teams frequently has the need to work in 24/7 mode (research in labs, observations in two worldwide known observatories) and the same will be possible for science journalists.

  • Creating water smart landscapes

    As the global population grows, agricultural activities intensify, leading to increased fertiliser use and diffuse nutrient emissions. This escalating trend poses a significant threat to water bodies, as nutrient run-off from intensive farming practices degrades water quality. Traditional land and water management approaches often lack the precision needed to identify high-priority areas or offer spatially explicit solutions.

    In this context, the ERC-funded WaterSmartLand project will pinpoint high-risk areas and propose targeted solutions. Using advanced analysis, modelling and machine learning, the project identifies optimal land management strategies, such as using wetlands and riparian buffer strips, to mitigate nutrient run-off.

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    The project will result in global map layers that will allow the identification of critical nutrient run-off sites and carry out the related planning. All the analysis will take place on a global scale, and the results will be tested on pilot sites in Europe and elsewhere. The project will be based on open-source software, so that the resulting data cube solution and machine learning models will be accessible and available for further development by all.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Piret Ehrenpreis
    Host Institution
    University of Tartu
    Hosting Conditions

    The FRONTIERS fellow will have an office desk in our Communication Department in the main building of the University of Tartu. The university campus is located in the city and all important buildings are within walking distance. Journalists can rely on the support of our research communications team for any questions that may arise and have access to research facilities through our researchers. Researchers work in the office and remotely and are happy to share their experiences with journalists.

  • Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology & Centre for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology

    CiBB – Centre for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology, is a Research Center of excellence in the domains of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, which results from a consortium joining CNC-UC — Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology and iCBR – Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research. In 2024, the Teaming projects MIA-Portugal: Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing and GeneT – Gene Therapy Center of Excellence have integrated the CiBB multidisciplinary structure.

    We can offer an exciting opportunity to delve into the dynamic world of biomedical research and science communication. This fellowship provides hands-on experience in communicating biomedical discoveries through various mediums, including media interactions, video production, and social media management. The FRONTIERS fellows will have the chance to collaborate with an experienced and passionate team, learning and contributing to effective strategies in scientific communication.
    The fellowship allows for direct interaction with top researchers in four distinct areas of biomedicine, providing a comprehensive insight into the latest findings and trends in biomedical research.

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    Furthermore, the work environment fosters a strong culture of science communication, offering fellows a full immersion into the realm of scientific outreach. Fellows will have the opportunity to develop essential communication skills, create engaging content, and broaden the reach of scientific discoveries to the general public. This fellowship is ideal for professionals interested in exploring the intersection of science, journalism, and digital communication while collaborating with a multidisciplinary and inspiring team.

    This offers an immersive experience within the vibrant ecosystem of CNC-UC / CiBB, providing fellows with unique access to the forefront of biomedical research and science communication. Fellows will be fully integrated into the CNC-UC / CiBB community and will have the opportunity to attend weekly scientific seminars and thematic retreats, gaining invaluable insights into cutting-edge research across various biomedical disciplines. They will actively participate in the institution’s science communication dynamics, engaging in various outreach activities and gaining access to scientific platforms to observe experiments and scientific endeavors firsthand.

    More about CiBB
    With the largest critical mass of researchers in the Centre Region of Portugal, internationally recognized and linked to the Faculties of Pharmacy, Medicine, Sciences and Technology and Economics, as well as to the Institute of Interdisciplinary Research and to the Coimbra University Hospital, CiBB has a high-level of scientific production and attracts talent and funding at national and international levels.

    The CiBB stands as the flagship of Biomedical and Biotechnology Sciences at the University of Coimbra (UC). It is the largest R&D Unit in the center region of Portugal and the sole UC-coordinated Associate Laboratory (top 100% evaluation), welcoming circa 700 members.
    CiBB comprises 37 dynamic and multidisciplinary research groups, dedicated to understanding how and why diseases develop, particularly those associated with aging, and translating this understanding into clinical applications and technological breakthroughs.
    Structured around four thematic pillars, CIBB’s mission spans diverse areas:
    1. Neuroscience and Disease: Delving into brain function and dysfunction in disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases, neuropsychiatric conditions, and vision impairments.
    2. Metabolism, Aging, and Disease: Investigating the cellular and molecular underpinnings of metabolic dysfunction and aging, and their impact on age-related diseases.
    3. Innovative Therapies: Harnessing the potential of stem cells, genetic interventions, and pharmaceuticals to pioneer new treatments for neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, oncological, and infectious conditions.
    4. Healthcare Challenges: Tackling healthcare challenges by promoting evidence-based decision-making, engaging citizens, and finding innovative solutions for aging-related questions.
    CiBB is committed to nurturing talent, through robust international training programs at the master’s and doctoral levels. Additionally, CiBB bridges the gap between research and society through effective communication and public engagement initiatives.
    In collaboration with the Coimbra University Hospital and its Clinical Academic Center, CiBB leverages its strong ties to clinical practice, facilitating the translation of fundamental research findings into clinical benefits. Moreover, CiBB invests on the transformation of scientific breakthroughs into intellectual property, fostering technology transfer and the creation of economic value.

    Note: We are open to developing projects that encompass a broader scope, involving communication across different areas of the center, and/or focusing on specific ongoing research projects within the center.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Sara Varela Amaral
    Host Institution
    CNC-UC & CiBB
    Hosting Conditions

    Fellows will have the chance to interact with a diverse range of researchers and contribute to both national and European research projects. They will be included in the institution's mailing list, receiving regular updates and news about the CNC-UC / CiBB community. Additionally, fellows will be granted a dedicated profile page on both the CNC-UC and CiBB websites to showcase their work and contributions. Fellows will be provided with a dedicated workspace and have the flexibility of hybrid work arrangements, combining in-person and remote work as needed. They will have access to University of Coimbra facilities, including cafeterias, bookstores, and recreational amenities. The University of Coimbra offers numerous opportunities for sports and cultural activities, allowing fellows to enrich their experience beyond the confines of their fellowship duties.

  • Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology

    We dedicate our research to natural products from micro-organisms and the infection biology of pathogenic fungi. Microbial natural products serving as mediators in the biological communication are essential for our lives. However, they play an ambivalent role in this process: On the one hand, they are involved in the emergence of numerous infectious diseases; on the other hand, they belong to the most important sources of medicinal products like antibiotics.

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    In order to examine microbial natural products and to understand infectious diseases better, we combine both areas of research. We aim to elucidate how microorganisms produce both pathogenic substances and pharmacologically relevant components. Beyond that, these substances of micro-organisms serve as instruments of communication among themselves. Another module of our research is the interaction of pathogenic microorganisms with their host. We are interested in investigating the methods and tricks that both parties use in this process.

    Numerous individual joint projects enable us to acquire new knowledge in the field of biosynthesis and the function of natural products. We use this knowledge to develop innovative ingredients for the diagnosis and therapy of illnesses, including new anti-infectives. Implementing our research results and the models derived thereof, we contribute to the development of a systems biology of infections.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Friederike Gawlik
    Host Institution
  • Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS

    The Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS develops effective strategies for the prevention of chronic, non-communicable diseases. Supporting a healthy life-course early on is our primary goal. The focus of our research is therefore on factors beyond individual diseases, such as lifestyle and environment, biological and social factors, as well as early detection and drug safety. Our research spectrum covers methodological development, the identification of the causes of diseases, and intervention and implementation research. We also offer information to politicians and the general population and provide academic qualification to young scientists. BIPS thus covers the entire cycle of epidemiological research.

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    Under the central theme of “population-based prevention research in the life-course,” the institute conducts interdisciplinary epidemiological health research on the national and international level. It develops innovative methods and utilizes diverse data sources to study significant health disorders and to evaluate preventive measures and strategies. In addition, BIPS significantly contributes to the establishment of research infrastructures of national and international importance. To this end, BIPS is also committed to the expansion of research data management and the FAIRification of research data as an important basis of Open Science and Open Data.

    For many years, strengthening prevention has been a key scientific, social, and political objective. BIPS is dedicated to achieve this goal with high-quality research based upon methodological research investigating epidemiological questions with a focus on the development of epidemiological and statistical methods. The institute emphasizes the particular importance of the life-course perspective for the health of individuals and the population as a whole with its focus on long-term studies. Research at the institute provides important insights to ensure and improve health and well-being with measures that begin early and are related to transition periods within the life-course.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Rasmus Cloes
    Host Institution
    Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS
    Hosting Conditions

    Each FRONTIERS fellow will be provided with an individual office/desk, equipped with the necessary amenities for a comfortable and efficient working environment. We boast a dedicated press office with a team of 4 professionals. Our press office is experienced in working with journalists and researchers alike, ensuring that you have the support needed for your reporting and research endeavors. Our team operates on a hybrid work schedule, with three days in the office and two days working remotely. Fellows will have 24/7 access to the premises, ensuring that you can work according to your own schedule and pace. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, our facilities will be open to you. While we do not have an on-site cafeteria, we offer well-equipped cooking facilities for those who prefer to prepare their meals. Additionally, our institution is surrounded by a variety of dining options to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Fellows will have access to our extensive library, housing a wealth of academic literature, journals, and publications. Furthermore, you will be granted access to a range of online resources to aid in your research and reporting. Recognizing the importance of coffee in fueling research and journalism, we ensure there is a steady supply of coffee available for all.

  • Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy (LIT)

    The Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy (LIT) develops innovative therapies for the treatment of cancer, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammation. By reprogramming immune cells through synthetic and pharmacologic intervention, we build cells that save lives.

    Our scientific activities are structured into three Research Areas: Discovery, Translation, and Clinical Application. All three work in synergy with one another. Our work starts with basic research into the areas of immune regulation, immune metabolism, cancer, and tissue homeostasis. It carries on with a focus on therapy development—spanning the creation of new formats of genetic and pharmacologic cell manipulation and drug-compliant manufacturing processes. Finally, we seek to apply our discoveries in early clinical trials on patients themselves.

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    Discovery: This branch of research investigates the highly complex interactions of different immune cells—with each other and with the organism’s cells—to understand how the immune system maintains the health of the organism.
    Translation: This area focuses specifically on the preclinical development of immune-cell therapeutics. This includes the identification, differentiation, expansion, and preclinical testing of therapeutically relevant immune cell populations.
    Clinical Application: At the LIT, our core focus is on the clinical translation of scientific findings: We therefore place significant emphasis on the development and roll out of clinical trials and focus on the clinical implementation of the results.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Kerstin Wild
    Host Institution
    Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy (LIT)
    Hosting Conditions

    At the LIT a journalist will have a working space with access to wi-fi. Access to LIT is possible 24/7 with a personal electronic device and a name badge. All electronic resources (books, scientific journals and databases), events and activities organized for the institution’s staff, the cafeteria and canteen will be accessible for a visiting journalist. PR & Media Relations staff will support the visiting journalist. The LIT staff is international and official language in our institution is English!

  • Reinforcing under-utilised crops at the Portuguese living lab GPeaPort – The DIVINFOOD project

    In Europe, an increasing number of consumers are embracing plant-based diets and reducing meat consumption. A 2021 survey found that around 30% of Europeans follow a flexitarian diet, focused on plant-base foods with occasional meat consumption. This dietary trend underscores the demand for improved, minimally processed, and nutrient-rich alternatives.
    The DIVINFOOD project aims to develop food chains that value under-utilised agrobiodiversity, in order to act against the decline of biodiversity and meet the growing expectations of consumers for healthy, local products that contribute to sustainable food systems. DIVINFOOD operates holistically across the food chain, fostering collaboration among researchers, farmers, processors, market intermediaries, and consumers, to maximize cereals and legumes food chains, realizing their potential for diversified and healthy diets.

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    Funded under the European Commission Horizon 2020 Sustainable Food Security call, DIVINFOOD boasts a consortium of 25 European institutions led by the Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement, in France, with four Portuguese partners: ITQB NOVA, Évora University, ADECA and Cooking lab. In Portugal, the project focuses on grass pea (Lathyrus sativus).
    Carlota Vaz Patto coordinates the ITQB NOVA team engaged in DIVINFOOD, specifically the PlantX Lab. With a history of participatory research with local grass pea farmers in Alvaiázere, Portugal, the team has expanded its scope under DIVINFOOD to include a wider range of farmers and processors, establishing the Portuguese living lab, GPeaPort, under her coordination. Living labs are user-centric innovation systems that foster co-creation, integrating research and innovation within community contexts. GPeaPort aims to revitalize and value grass pea cultivation and use by enhancing varietal diversity and developing innovative food products with local food producers, consumers, chefs, cooks, small-scale processors, rural development associations, local authorities and researchers, using a citizen science approach.
    At ITQB NOVA, the Genetics and Genomics of Plant Complex Traits (PlantX) Laboratory, led by Carlota Vaz Patto, specializes in molecular quantitative genetics applied to plant breeding. The lab focuses on identifying genes controlling complex interesting traits, such as disease/drought resistance or seed quality, to develop control models, scientific methods and molecular tools to assist precision breeding programs. Within the scope of DIVINFOOD, PlantX hopes to contribute to the diversification of grass pea production systems, through the improvement of its traditional varieties – boosting tolerance to drought, enhancing nutritional quality, and increasing production capacity. They hope to contribute, in collaboration with other Portuguese stakeholders, to diversify diets, by facilitating the implementation of alternative mild processing methods to obtain innovative food products.
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Renata Ramalho
    Host Institution
    Hosting Conditions

    The science journalist will be given credentials to access ITQB NOVA premises 24/7, including access to the cafeteria and canteen and other shared areas, such as the library. The journalist will have a dedicated desk and laptop computer with Wi-Fi access and will be able to use the institute’s printers and other resources. ITQB NOVA has a Communication office with whom the science journalist can collaborate with at all times, creating mutual learning opportunities. The journalist is also welcome to participate in all relevant events open to the staff, including seminars, training and networking activities and to take part in social and cultural events. The PlantX lab comprises eight researchers, including postdoctoral researchers, PhD and MSc students, each pursuing their specific projects. They will be readily available to meet with the visiting journalist, sharing their perspectives on science and demonstrating that frontier science is inherently collaborative, requiring concerted and dedicated efforts to validate or falsify the hypotheses under study.

  • MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences

    MARUM produces fundamental scientific knowledge about the role of the ocean and the ocean floor in the total Earth system. The dynamics of the ocean and the ocean floor significantly impact the entire Earth system through the interaction of geological, physical, biological and chemical processes. These influence both the climate and the global carbon cycle, and create unique biological systems.

    MARUM is committed to fundamental and unbiased research in the interests of society and the marine environment, and in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. It publishes its quality-assured scientific data and makes it publicly available. MARUM informs the public about new discoveries in the marine environment and provides practical knowledge through its dialogue with society. MARUM cooperates with commercial and industrial partners in accordance with its goal of protecting the marine environment.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Ulrike Prange
    Host Institution
    University of Bremen
    Hosting Conditions

    MARUM is located on the University of Bremen's campus. Base for our Frontiers fellow would be the press department at MARUM. Most of the scientists are working here and remotely with a presence day every Tuesday. We will make sure to establish contacts based on indivitual interests. The building is open between 6 am and 6 pm, with options to access is before and after these times.

  • State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart

    The aim of SMNS research is to comprehensively understand changes in biodiversity at all levels – from genetic diversity to the diversity of species and communities to the level of ecosystems – over geological timescales. SMNS investigates how the diversity of organisms, species communities and interactions has developed in the course of evolution, discerning patterns of change over time and which biotic and abiotic environmental drivers are responsible for this. The SMNS investigates both evolutionary and anthropogenic influences on biodiversity across different temporal and spatial scales.

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    Our expertise encompasses a wide variety of organisms, from charismatic Indonesian tarsiers under threat of extinction to thermophilic neophytes that have spread rapidly and conquered new habitats in the past decades in response to rising temperatures. From giant fossil marine reptiles that were dreaded top predators of the Jurassic Sea to millimeter-sized parasitoid wasps that lay their eggs in other insect larvae, preventing agricultural pests. With more than 12 million specimens in our collection and cutting-edge facilities, we investigate this diversity to unravel the uniqueness of each specimen. It is the fascinating stories behind each specimen that we convey not only in scientific articles but also to our visitors in the exhibition. Be it the first evidence of cancer from 240 million years ago, the predation among giant marine reptiles, as evidenced by bite marks or how the evolution of mouthparts contributed to the diversity we see in some hyperdiverse insect groups.
    Through close collaborations, such as with the particle accelerator at KIT, we are able to use synchrotron radiation to create three-dimensional models of insects trapped in amber millions of years ago or visualize the behavior of live parasitoid wasps moving in their host.
    We regularly carry out expeditions and paleontological excavations. Both in the vicinity, where many world-famous fossil deposits are easily accessible and also worldwide, with many highly important findings. They range from small, such as the oldest fossil hummingbird to the probably heaviest animal that ever lived on earth: Perucetus colossus. Our scientists describe new species from the meadows and forests in the area where most people would not expect to find the unknown. But also from remote areas such as cave systems across Europe, tropical rainforests or the islands of New Caledonia. We do this together with institutions and researchers from the area and maintain close collaborations that allow for capacity building and vice versa knowledge exchange on an eye level. We are active members in several networks, through which we are able to join forces with other natural history museums, universities and research institutions of all kinds to conduct large-scale projects, such as the German Barcode of Life.
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Peter Warth
    Host Institution
    State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart
    Hosting Conditions

    Hosted journalists will be given general access to premises and ressources like guest researchers. Access to the exhibition building will be regularly available during opening hours and to the research building from 7 am to 9 pm. Access to the collections and additional times can be arranged for. A basic workspace including IT equipment will be at your disposal. Wifi is accessible in most parts of the building and this includes automatic online access to scientific journals. The library is well equipped and openly accessible in the research building. There is no cafeteria per se, but the restaurant in the exhibition building offers a discount. SMNS has a guest room to host you onsite but due to high frequentation needs to be reserved ahead. SMNS researchers mostly work on site and interact actively, but solutions for working remotely or in hybrid environments are offered according to individual preferences and living conditions. Possibilities to join field work, such as paleontological excavations and expeditions need to be discussed with the leading researchers but are generally welcome.

  • Complexity Science Hub

    Based in Vienna, the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) is Europe’s research center for translating data into solutions for a better world. A core of CSH’s mission is to conduct independent research in complexity science, addressing key challenges facing society and the planet that cannot be solved by traditional disciplinary approaches. For example, pandemics, the economy, and human migration are all manifestations of multiple interconnected, dynamic, and co-evolving networks that complexity science is uniquely suited to describe.

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    CSH researchers have expertise across a wide range of topics, from algorithms to zoonoses and many in between. CSH researchers share the common languages of physics, computation, statistics and applied mathematics and often specialize in one or more additional disciplines, such as sociology, economics, or medicine.
    At CSH, researchers extract meaning from the vast amount of data representing our planet’s various dimensions: economics, migration, health, climate change, social values, urban development, and more. With this knowledge, they seek insights that are useful for both science and society, and they can make evidence-based statements about how complex systems will respond to change and propose realistic interventions to move them in a positive direction for society.
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Eliza Muto
    Host Institution
    Complexity Science Hub
    Hosting Conditions

    The Complexity Science Hub (CSH) welcomes science journalists interested in exploring new areas of research, and understanding how complexity arises and evolves in nature, society, and technology. In addition to deepening their technical knowledge, FRONTIERS fellows will become part of the CSH community and thereby connect with a vibrant and international network of scientists during the fellowship. During their stay at CSH, journalists will have a working space – an individual desk in an office shared with other researchers or staff – and access to our infrastructure. Their use of CSH shared spaces will occur under the same conditions as research and admin staff. Fellows will receive a badge granting 24/7 access to the building and their office. As part of the residency, fellows will be supported by the CSH press office, a member of which will serve as the FRONTIERS manager, administering all aspects of the fellowship. The FRONTIERS manager will be the fellow's main point of contact before, during, and after their stay at CSH. During their stay, FRONTIERS fellows are encouraged to interact and network with CSH researchers, visiting scientists and collaborating partners, and to take inspiration from these leaders in complexity science. Journalists will have access to all CSH scientific events (seminars, talks, workshops, colloquia, courses, etc.). As a vibrant, international community, CSH hosts occasional social and cultural events, such as CSH's Art & Science series, to which fellows are cordially invite

  • Champalimaud Foundation

    The Champalimaud Foundation (CF) was established in 2005 as a worldwide reference for scientific research and clinical practice. Located in a beautiful setting by the Tagus river in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (CCU) is a vibrant scientific and clinical institution where hundreds of national and international (+40 EU and non-EU nationalities) scientists, support staff, physicians, and other healthcare professionals work together to investigate fundamental biological processes and search for effective solutions to alleviate the burden of oncological and neurological diseases, while providing state-of-the-art care to patients.

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    Research, developed within the Champalimaud Research (CR) programmes, is primarily focused on the fields of neuroscience, cancer and physiology. More specifically, 31 groups are dedicated to fundamental and clinical research on topics that range from Brain-wide control of Behaviour and its impacts in Artificial Intelligence /Machine Learning, to the Immune System and the interaction between Neural and Immune Systems and Disease Progression. With a community of ~500 members distributed in two big open labs (somehow similar to big media newsrooms), with access to several technical and scientific facilities, the aspiration of CR is to help scientists reach their full creative potential and to promote collective achievements beyond those reachable by individual scientists or laboratory groups. The legacy of CR will not only be advances in scientific knowledge but advances in the scientific process itself.

    According to the latest European Research Council (ERC) dashboard, which comprehensively overviews ERC-funded projects, Portugal has secured funding for 165 projects since 2007 and CF leads the list of institutions in Portugal for ERC funding, both in terms of total number of grants and of overall funding. Most of our ERC grants are in Life Sciences but we also have secured grants in Social Sciences and Humanities and in Physical Sciences and Engineering.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Catarina Ramos
    Host Institution
    Champalimaud Foundation
    Hosting Conditions

    This residency at the Champalimaud Foundation (CF) will be organised in such a way that the science journalist will be in direct contact with various Champalimaud Research scientists and members of the Communications, Events & Outreach team. During the residency period, the journalist will: 1) be included in the CR mailing list and so updated with all relevant news regarding the centre; 2) be able to visit specific facilities and observe research experiments (arranged with the principal investigator of the laboratory and/or head of the scientific facility/platform); 3) participate in seminars, workshops and regular work discussions; 4) have access to lectures, conferences and other events, including social and community building activities. The journalist will have a desk inside the Communications, Events & Outreach shared offices, and access to CF premises 24/7, including cafeteria, library, a tropical garden and a gym. The official working language at CF is English. Other details and specific necessities will be discussed directly with the interested journalist/s.

  • Biology of Ageing

    The Max-Planck-Institute for Biology of Ageing (MPI-AGE) aims to unravel the molecular, physiological and evolutionary mechanisms underlying the ageing process. As we age, many of our body functions decline, often accompanied by the development of complex and chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative diseases. Our mission is to understand how we can intervene to mitigate or even prevent these age-related diseases and pave the way for a healthier ageing. Currently, much of the research at the institute focuses on three topics: the molecular genetics of ageing, the study of the ageing brain, and the role of mitochondria in ageing processes. In addition, research groups are investigating how DNA repair and nutrient sensing influence ageing.

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    To understand these processes, the institute currently conducts work on four different model organisms: worms, fruit flies, turquoise killifish and mice. The studies on model organisms are in the long term to be linked with comparative studies in humans. To this end, we are examining samples from patients in the clinic and conducting studies on long-lived families.
    Host researcher Joris Deelen focuses on the identification of the genetic mechanisms underlying healthy ageing and extended lifespan in humans. Moreover, the Deelen group aims to establish novel human ageing studies in Cologne to identify and validate biomarkers of healthy ageing.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Maren Berghoff
    Host Institution
    Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
    Hosting Conditions

    The MPI-AGE fosters a conducive, collaborative, international and collegial environment, with 300 employees from over 35 countries. The fellow is allocated an individual desk within the office of the press and public outreach team. The press team works part-time and hybrid, offering support and resources as needed. The host researcher Joris Deelen and his team are mainly working on site at the institute. The working language is English. MPI offers amenities such as tea kitchens, a cafeteria (called Minerva's lounge) with employee discounts, meeting rooms and a social room, all accessible to the fellow. The fellow will of course be provided with our internal WiFi, through which they will also have access to the majority of scientific journals and publications. The institute is situated on the campus of the University Clinic Cologne, with cafés, restaurants and supermarkets within walking distance. It will also be possible to pay a visit to the other research institutes on campus. During the settling-in period, the institute's International Office offers assistance with practical matters such as visa applications and accommodation arrangements. For temporary stays, the institute provides six guest apartments nearby. Each Friday, the MPI-Age holds seminars which offer researchers the opportunity to present their work, providing insight into diverse research areas. Moreover, throughout the year, several public events are held, serving as platforms for dialogue between the scientific community and the public. And to clear their heads for new ideas, the Institute's staff also organize social events such as the weekly beer hour, the carnival party and the summer party.

  • Sustainability at the Frontier: Unveiling Nature’s Potential for Health and Food Innovations

    Over 50% of the cork produced worldwide comes from Portugal. This material, used for products that range from wine stoppers to the isolation of spaceships, is at the heart of two ERC research grants developed at ITQB NOVA over the last years. The reason is that half of cork’s weight is made up of suberin, a plant polymer with remarkable antimicrobial, anti-biofouling and hydrophobic properties. Suberin can mimic natural processes and offer sustainable alternatives for combating fungal infections, as explored in the project MIMESIS – “Development of biomaterials through mimesis of plant defensive interfaces to fight wound infections”, but also for encapsulation technologies in the food and drug industries, as investigated in SNAIL – “High-performance hydrophobic suberin nanoparticles for the generation of liquid-air biphasic droplets with application in food and therapeutics”. Both projects were led by ERC Grantee Cristina Silva Pereira, head of the Applied and Environmental Mycology lab of ITQB NOVA.

    ITQB NOVA is a scientific research and advanced training institute of NOVA University Lisbon. The institute is located in Oeiras, a seaside town with the highest GDP/capita and the most educated population in the country. The institution excels in Molecular Biosciences across diverse disciplines, contributing to societal challenges focused on the well-being of human societies and on the environment.

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    The vision for the ERC-funded MIMESIS project was to develop wound dressing biomaterials that combine antimicrobial and skin regeneration properties. The research team successfully developed a biocompatible extraction method that preserves the plant polyesters’ antimicrobial capabilities. Building on this success, the team secured an ERC Proof of Concept Grant in 2024, for potential applications in food and therapeutics. This new project, SNAIL, explores the potential of suberin in encapsulation technologies, envisioning a sustainable shield for functional ingredients, such as probiotics and proteins. By transforming plant polyesters into purposeful biomaterials, this work represents a shift away from energy-intensive synthetic production methods, focusing instead on “closing the loop”, supported by the principles of green chemistry and biorefinery.
    During the residency, the science journalist is invited to discover this research, which is not only advancing scientific frontiers but also actively contributing to a more sustainable future by having a clear focus and commitment on the translation into tangible innovations. In addition to delving into the project’s intricacies, supported by ITQB NOVA’s cutting-edge facilities, including the largest Portuguese NMR facility, CERMAX, the science journalist will have the opportunity to experience all the intricacies atmosphere of scientific exploration. This encompasses the dynamic journey of discovery, comprising both highs and lows, where breakthroughs are not confined to “Eureka” moments.
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Renata Ramalho
    Host Institution
    Hosting Conditions

    The science journalist will be given credentials to access ITQB NOVA premises 24/7, including access to the cafeteria and canteen and other shared areas, such as the library. The journalist will have a dedicated desk and laptop computer with Wi-Fi access and will be able to use the institute’s printers and other resources. ITQB NOVA has a Communication office who the science journalist can collaborate with at all times, creating mutual learning opportunities. The journalist is also welcome to participate in all relevant events open to the staff, including seminars, training and networking activities and to take part in social and cultural events. The Silva Pereira group comprises nearly twenty researchers, including postdoctoral researchers, PhD and MSc students, and undergraduates, each pursuing their specific projects, some of which align with the ERC grants. Together, they encompass a wide range of scientific expertise spanning from biology and biotechnology to materials chemistry, with varying levels of scientific maturity. They will be readily available to meet with the visiting journalist, sharing their perspectives on science and demonstrating that frontier science is inherently collaborative, requiring concerted and dedicated efforts to validate or falsify the hypotheses under study.

  • Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB)

    The Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB) was created 52 years ago and was the pioneer of Spanish research institutes within a University. The IBB is located on the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and was previously known as the Institute of Fundamental Biology. In 2000, the Institute’s approach evolved towards a multidisciplinary and cooperative research in the area of biotechnological applications in biomedicine and consequently the name was changed. In addition, the strategic objectives of the entire unit were also reformulated, in favour of potentiating translational projects aimed at understanding the molecular bases of diseases and generating instruments, mainly drugs and vaccines, to fight them.

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    Currently, the IBB hosts about 150 researchers, including tenured professors from the UAB, senior scientists, postdoctoral and doctoral fellows, master students and technicians. We host 17 research groups organized in 3 scientific programs that cover multiple scientific areas, but with a shared multidisciplinary character. This configuration allows a broad approach to biological problems and facilitates the transfer of scientific results towards the improvement of the well-being of our society. These three main research umbrella topics are: (1) Applied Proteomics and Protein Engineering, (2) Genomics in Evolution and Disease and (3) Response Mechanisms to Stress and Disease
    The senior PIs of the IBB are Dr. Ventura, Villaverde, Ruiz-Herrera, Roig, Corchero, Ferrer, Ariño, Pallarès, Barbadilla, Martí, Gibert, Reverter, Yero, Cerdà, Jaraquemada, JM. Lluch, Piñol, Quijada, Cáceres, Daura, Lorenzo, Pividori, M. Lluch and Roher (Director of the IBB), offering experience in Bioinformatics, Cellular and Structural Biology, Genomics, Immunology, Microbiology, Synthetic Biology, Nanobiotechnology and Proteomics. Some areas in which our researchers work are within the fields of diagnostic tools and theragnostics, vaccine development, neurodegenerative disease detection and new treatments, immune disorders, cancer and targeted drug delivery, bacterial virulence and antibiotic resistances, biotherapeutics for several diseases, etc.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Montserrat Sole
    Host Institution
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    Hosting Conditions

    The Journalist in residence will have access to all IBB premises, including laboratory facilities, shared equipment rooms, shared office and access to meeting rooms. He/she will be included in the mailing list of the institute so that he/she is updated with all relevant news regarding the institute and will be introduced to all researcher’s teams. The structure of the institute comprises the administrative officers, the researchers and research support staff and technicians. The current director, as well as the Evolutionary Immunology group leader, is Nerea Roher, who will be the host researcher. Also, the research promoter from IBB will be at the Journalist disposal bringing support in any matter related to science communication and institutional communication channels such as social media and webpage. Our institution provides remote work options and flexible working conditions. Additionally, the Journalist will have access to all UAB central facilities such as the Communication Cabinet or the Patent Office if needed. Also, the fact that IBB is placed within the UAB campus, provides an additional layer of community services and resources that satisfy most needs of the Institute’s researchers. The collaboration with other Institutions of the so-called UAB Sphere, such as hospitals, CSIC institutes or CERCA Institutes provides additional opportunities in terms of access to other researchers and research outputs. In addition, the close vicinity with other research centres, university departments and companies foster the scientific community bonds, enables the creation of multidisciplinary projects and empowers innovation and technology transfer and that can be certainly interesting from a Journalist’s point of view. Besides that, the Journalist will have access to medical services from UAB campus, on-site GYM facilities at a reduced cost, accommodation opportunities, language services and proximity to a vast number of faculties offering a huge range of studies including journalism and communication to strengthen ties with our institution and seek future collaborations.

  • Barcelona Institute for Global Health – ISGlobal

    ISGlobal addresses key global health challenges related to infectious diseases, chronic non-communicable diseases, and environmental factors, including climate. We aim to go beyond state-of-the-art by strengthening research within and across our 5 research programmes and promoting innovation and collaboration on methodological issues through cross-faculty knowledge hubs.

    The Global Viral and Bacterial Infections Programme aims to reduce the relevant viral and bacterial disease burden by generating knowledge that translates into novel tools and strategies for their prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. It has a multidisciplinary and translational research portfolio ranging from basic science to clinical, epidemiological, and public health-oriented research. It works at various steps of the prevention-treatment cascade for pathogens such as M. tuberculosis, non-tuberculous Mycobacteria, antimicrobial resistant bacteria, other bacteria of public health relevance (pneumococcus, group B streptococcus, etc.), CMV, HIV, arboviruses, and viral hepatitis.

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    The Environment and Health over the Life-course programme conducts high-quality integrative research to expand knowledge on the causes and mechanisms of NCDs. The programme focuses on environmental, radiation, occupational, lifestyle, social, infectious, and genetic risk factors throughout life, from prenatal to late adulthood. Key topics include respiratory, immune, and cardiovascular health, neurodevelopment, and cancer.

    The Climate, Air Pollution, Nature and Urban Health programme aims to strengthen evidence related to the health effects of climate change and exposures in urban and natural environments and to assess the health co-benefits of climate action. It focuses on factors such as temperature, noise, air pollution, and green spaces, and their effect on a spectrum of health outcomes, including premature mortality, cardiovascular and respiratory health, and cognitive function. Their main methods consist of the assessment of exposure and health impact, epidemiological modelling, and intervention evaluation, complemented by computational modelling of global climate variations, tipping points, and their impact on health.

    The Malaria and Neglected Parasitic Diseases programme aims to generate valuable knowledge and expand, through a multidisciplinary approach, the current scientific understanding of malaria, Chagas, and other neglected parasitic diseases (NPD) affecting humans, and their interactions with human and animal hosts and/or vectors.

    The Maternal, Child and Reproductive Health programme aims to bridge the know-do gap and support the global efforts to ensure that all women and children, regardless of where they live or are born, have access to quality healthcare services. Its research focuses on developing and assessing the efficacy and effectiveness of maternal and reproductive health interventions through relevant clinical trials and implementation science.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Beatriz Fiestas
    Host Institution
    Hosting Conditions

    ISGlobal has two campuses in Barcelona -Campus Clínic and Campus Mar- and an office in Madrid. Campus Clinic includes wet labs in a separate building. Each campus is associated to a hospital and to a University (University of Barcelona for Campus Clinic, Universitat del Mar for Campus Mar). The University of Barcelona provides ISGlobal researchers access to its CRAI resource center, which includes a wide array of e-journals in different scientific fields. Our policy is to promote flexible working arrangements that allow staff members to organise their work schedule most efficiently and satisfactorily while meeting their objectives. We have a hybrid model of work in which telework is coordinated with on-site work. In the office, we use a shared-desk system in which you can reserve a table on any campus via the intranet. All tables have a screen and network connection. Each staff must have their personal keyboard and mouse, which they can keep in a locker at the end of the day. To communicate, we all use the Google Suit: Chat and Meet, which are currently all integrated into Gmail. The Frontiers fellow will have access to all our offices and services in both campuses. Upon arrival, we will provide her/him with an ISGlobal Gmail account and will connect her/him with the communications department and the host researchers.

  • Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics

    CRAG is a public research institution with the global mission of conducting excellent research in the fields of plant sciences and agricultural and farm animal genetics and genomics.

    CRAG holds the “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence” award, the most prestigious programme of the Spanish Government to acknowledge excellence in research with international relevance.

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    The research carried out at CRAG spans from basic research in plant and farm animal molecular biology, to applications of molecular approaches for breeding of species important for agriculture and food production in close collaboration with industry. Specific topics of frontier research include: genomics, plant development, plant responses to stress, plant synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, gene editing techniques, etc.

    Some scientific highlights reflecting the research conducted at CRAG are listed below:

    – CRAG researchers identified a new microRNA from rice which originated from a transposable element and that regulates blast resistance by DNA methylation. Moreover, they have demonstrated that the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis confers protection to the blast fungus and makes rice plants more productive. The AM symbiosis represents an alternative to the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

    – The attractive colors of many flowers and fruits result from the accumulation of health-promoting carotenoid pigments in specialized cellular structures called chromoplasts. A CRAG´s teams found that chromoplasts can be artificially generated from leaf chloroplasts by using an enzyme that synthesizes the carotenoid precursor phytoene. This synthetic system allows to boost the carotenoid content of green vegetables and forage crops, hence improving their nutritional quality.

    – Fruit ripening is a main target in crop breeding, having a major effect in fruit shelf life and fruit quality. Melon is an interesting model and the genetic dissection of the control of this trait may help to obtain long shelf life varieties and ultimately lead to a reduction in food loss and waste.

    – CRAG researchers found that insertions of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are frequently associated with phenotypic variability of important agronomic traits in rice. Using MITE insertions in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) can uncover new genotype-to-phenotype associations and allow for discovering the genetic basis of important trait variability.

    – The development of new plant varieties is a very slow process. CRAG researchers showed that ‘deep learning’ methods, inspired on how the human brain works, can help to improve prediction of new cultivars.

    – Meat quality has an important genetic component. CRAG scientists have identified genomic regions and strong candidate genes associated with fatty acid composition in muscle and adipose tissue in pigs. These results are relevant for meat quality selection of commercial pig breeds.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Muriel Arimon
    Host Institution
    Hosting Conditions

    The science journalist will have a desk within the “Communication and Open Science” department (included in the “Science and Impact Area” at CRAG together with the “Projects and International Affairs” and the “Transfer and Knowledge” departments), having the possibility to interact with their members and have their support to organize her/his stay. She/he will have access to CRAG premises during working hours and days (Mon-Fri). She/he will be able to have direct contact with all CRAG researchers according to her/his journalism project. She/he will be able to visit specific facilities, observe research experiments and attend all seminars and events organized by CRAG. Other details and specific necessities will be discussed directly with the interested journalist/s. CRAG provides an international work environment, where 80% of Career Track Fellows, 72% of Postdocs and 49% of PhD students are from an international origin. CRAG’s official and vehicular language is English.

  • Université Cote d’Azur

    Université Côte d’Azur, a world-class, research-intensive, multidisciplinary university, was awarded the prestigious ‘Initiatives of Excellence’ certification label, which highlights the quality of its research and ensures that it has a high visibility international profile.

    The university’s research strategy aims to create synergies between the research teams in order to explore new interdisciplinary areas while maintaining its level of excellence in academic fields. It is part of a coherent and ambitious site policy jointly developed with other players in the research, higher education and the socio-economic world. Furthemore, the research conducted at Université Côte d’Azur aims to address major challenges in science and society. It covers a broad continuum of objectives, approaches and methodologies, from basic theoretical science to targeted research.
    To that end, five Interdisciplinary Academies of Excellence were created to structure our frontier research projects:

    Academy 1 : Networks, Information and Digital Society
    Academy 2 : Complex Systems
    Academy 3 : Space, Environment, Risk and Resilience
    Academy 4 : Complexity and diversity of living systems
    Academy 5 : Human societies, Ideas and Environments

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    Currently, we have the opportunity of welcoming over 20 ERCs on the site on very diverse disciplines : mathematics, archeology, astrophysics, seismology, cumputer science, biology. To support research Excellence, we created a specific program in partnership with the CNRS, Inria, the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur, etc. called LEADEuRope. The program is dedicated to supporting the European dynamic of Excellence on the site.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Sara-Anne Comel
    Host Institution
    Université Côte d'Azur
    Hosting Conditions

    Science journalists will benefit from the environment provided by the LEADEuRope program providing access to ERC holders. Furthemore, he/she will be welcomed through the Initiative of Excellence to facilitate his/her integration. Regarding space office, we will provide different options depending on the targeted projects identified by the journalist.

  • BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change

    The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) is an international and multidisciplinary research institute based in the Basque Country. Since its foundation in 2008 by the Basque Government and the University of the Basque Country, BC3 belongs to the Basque Research Centres of Excellence (BERC) program.

    With 120+ employees from various fields of knowledge, BC3 is a consolidated centre dedicated to the co-production of relevant knowledge for decision-making, integrating the environmental, socioeconomic and ethical dimensions of climate change. By following a transdisciplinary and participatory approach, BC3 contributes to the testing and demonstration of scalable solutions for sustainable development in collaboration with 40 international organisations and research centres in more than 20 countries. BC3 has excellent results in attracting talent (3 ERCs and 5 individual MSCAs) and securing research projects (22 European projects). Thanks to our people and partners, those who make it possible for us to achieve our goals and allow us to see ourselves as an organization unrestricted by our physical boundaries.

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    Since BC3’s creation, we have sought to be a cutting-edge and motivating centre from which researchers can continue co-creating scientific knowledge, tools and methodologies on the causes and effects of climate change and contributing to solving the most pressing challenge modern humans have ever faced. Transdisciplinary research integrates knowledge through active collaboration across academic disciplines and with non-academic stakeholders.

    Being a transdisciplinary researcher implies more than raising awareness through scientific evidence, it is a unique approach to engaging with different ways of knowing the world and generating new knowledge to address societal challenges. Transdisciplinarity moves us to understand the world in which we live and to find suitable and fair solutions. It brought us together to co-design and implement policies leading to sustainable development.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Amelia Ochoa
    Host Institution
    BC3 – Basque Centre for Climate Change
    Hosting Conditions

    The selected science journalist in residence will have their desk. BC3 has a communication team formed by one communication manager and two communication officers who will be at the disposal of the selected candidate. Although BC3 currently offers hybrid work, from June on this year it is expected for all employees to work four days per week in the office and one day per week remotely. BC3 reception is open from Monday to Friday from 9 AM until 5 PM. However, the selected candidate will be given a card to access the centre premises outside this timetable. The selected science journalist will be given access as well to BC3's library, server and all the centre's online and offline scientific resources to make the best of their experience.

  • From Planet Earth to the Infinite Universe @ Ciências ULisboa

    “What we do not know today, we will know tomorrow” (Garcia de Orta, 1563). This is the motto that guides Ciências ULisboa, the 2nd largest School of the University of Lisbon, with + 5600 students (BSc, MSc, PhD) and +500 Professors & researchers.
    With +1200 international scientific articles/year, it is the ULisboa School with the highest scientific productivity per capita, raising approximately €40M/year to R&D projects. More than 90% of its R&D Units are evaluated as Excellent or Very Good by FCT. Its 10 Departments and 19 R&D Units conduct cutting-edge research addressing scientific challenges spanning from life to earth sciences, from physical and chemical to computer and mathematical sciences, from engineering to history and philosophy of sciences.
    Ciências proudly hosts twelve European grants: five Marie Curies, and seven ERC grantees (4 Starting, 2 Consolidator, 1 Advanced) – of which five are currently undergoing:

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    Sustainable, equitable & climate-smart marine spatial planning processes in Antarctica and beyond: Catarina Frazão Santos, ERC StG 2023, PLAnT, Planning the Sustainable Use of the Ocean in Antarctica in a context of Global Environmental Change.

    How do interactions between species affect an ecosystem’s ability to recover after external disturbances? Inês Fragata, ERC StG 2022, DYNAMICTRIO, Feedback between population dynamics and evolution of interactions in a tri-trophic system.

    How hard is it to find a good algorithm for a given computational problem? Bruno Loff, ERC StG 2022, HoFGA, The Hardness of Finding Good Algorithms.

    Coral reefs: can we predict biodiversity changes in time and space? What are the consequences of these changes to their ecosystem functions? Maria Dornelas, ERC CoG 2021, coralINT, Integrated Niche Theory: linking environmental, compositional and functional change on coral reefs.

    How did navigators of 16th and 17th centuries experience Earth observation? Henrique Leitão, ERC AdvG 2018, RUTTER, Making the Earth Global: Early Modern Nautical Rutters and the Construction of a Global Concept of the Earth.

    From unearthing mysteries on our planet (Largest dinosaur skleleton in Europe might have been found in Portugal) to exploring the Universe (Portugal participates in the development of a first-class instrument for the largest telescope in the world), from the latest challenges in computer science (First open AI language model for Portuguese now available) to tackling global issues (Climate change can put the planet’s largest reserves of drinking water at risk): everyday, we challenge the limits of science and technology at Ciências ULisboa.

    We aim to build bridges with society, through innovation (Filipa Rocha named finalist for the 2023 Young Inventors Award) and entrepreneurship: TecLabs, our innovation center, aggregates +29 incubated companies (e.g. R_Nuucell, a spin-off studying a potential breast cancer drug, wins Women TechEU grant).

    Learn more about our vision through our institutional video.

    Find out more about our research:

    Largest dinosaur skleleton in Europe might have been found in Portugal
    Portugal participates in the development of a first-class instrument for the largest telescope in the world
    First open AI language model for Portuguese now available
    Climate change can put the planet’s largest reserves of drinking water at risk
    Filipa Rocha named finalist for the 2023 Young Inventors Award
    R_Nuucell, a spin-off studying a potential breast cancer drug, wins Women TechEU grant
    Climate extremes such as intense and prolonged droughts and intense heat waves
    Natural disasters induced by major extreme climatic and meteorological events (…)
    (…) and its impact on ecosystems (…)
    (…) precious resources for humankind
    Sustainability Living Lab
    Analyzing sustainable mobility
    Ecological monitoring of sources of renewable energy
    Searching the Universe for exoplanets (…)
    (…) and massive black holes
    First-class instruments for the largest telescopes in the world
    Name of one of our astrophysicists even shines in the night sky
    Development of tangible tools to promote digital learning for visually impaired children
    Mapping of the biodiversity that exists on green roofs and facades in cities
    Role of cleaning fishes in conserving biodiversity distinguished with FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2023
    Several of our researchers among the world’s top 2% scientists
    Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo
    Community of Science Communicators

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Marta Daniela Santos
    Host Institution
    Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon
    Hosting Conditions

    You will be able to experience and explore first-hand a community of scientists of all fields that are growing together, sharing ideas and talent. You will have a desk in a shared office, immersed in the Communication and Image Unit of Ciências ULisboa (currently eight professionals), while maintaining total independence. The Communication and Image Unit can support you in contacts with Ciências ULisboa researchers that you might need during your residence. Ciências ULisboa has a privileged location in the heart of Lisbon, being easily accessible by bus, subway, car, or bicycle. Beyond the +300 teaching and research labs on campus, you will also have the opportunity to visit our research infrastructures beyond campus: e.g. our Field Station which is a living lab (Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo) and Guia Marine Laboratory. The Faculty has a diverse offer of canteens and bars throughout the campus, to which you will have access in equal terms as Ciências staff. The same applies to the activities provided by the Lisbon University Stadium, which includes a swimming pool complex, large sports fields, and a fitness academy. Sharing science with society is already a priority present in Ciências ULisboa activities, which is implemented, for example, in the activities organized by its Community of Science Communicators. Since November 2019, this work group has organized over 13 informal meetings and 8 training sessions, involving 35 invited speakers and >800 participants in total. We would be glad to welcome you to share your expertise in seminars and roundtables exploring the differences between science communication and science journalism and how can scientists and journalists better communicate and work together. Come join us!

  • Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid 

    The Institute of Materials Science of Madrid (ICMM), belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), is a world-renowned research institution committed to performing synergetic research at the cutting edge of knowledge for addressing urgent societal challenges for which having new advanced materials are essential. With over 110 staff researchers and more than 80 Ph.D. students, postdocs and tenure track investigators, ICMM is a leading center in the field of materials science and nanotechnology.

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    Researchers are organized in research groups that cover from fundamental research to technological applications, aligned with three main interdisciplinary research lines related to the important social challenges included in the 2030 agenda: Materials for digital information, materials for a sustainable world and materials for health. The large number of scientists belonging to ICMM allows us to face synergetic problems, sharing cutting-edge instrumentation and expertise.
    Situated within the “UAM+CSIC International Excellence Campus”, ICMM maintains a robust partnership with the “Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)”, fostering knowledge exchange and shared scientific resources. Our institute also establishes global collaborations with numerous universities and research centers, cultivating an atmosphere of dynamic scientific interchange and teamwork. We are deeply committed to internationalizing research, welcoming senior researchers, postdocs, and predoctoral visitors from around the world.

    We place great emphasis on gender equality and ethical conduct in science. We promote an inclusive culture offering equal opportunities at all ranks, vigilantly mitigating any inappropriate gender-related behaviors. We encourage work-life balance, organize activities that advance ethical practices in scientific research, and diligently safeguard against any research misconduct, such as data falsification, improper authorship attribution, or inadequate data sharing. At ICMM, we not only pioneer scientific advancements but also uphold the highest standards of professional ethics and inclusivity.

    List of research lines:

    Materials for a Sustainable World: Materials for Energy and Materials for Environmental Remediation and Green Processes

    Materials for Health: Nanoplatforms for Therapy and Diagnosis and Technologies and Instrumentation for Nanomedicine

    Materials for Digital Information: Materials for Advanced Electronics and Photonics and Quantum Materials and Technologies

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Ángela Rodríguez Bonachera
    Host Institution
    Material Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC)
    Hosting Conditions

    ICMM-CSIC is located on the Campus of the Autonoma University of Madrid, with natural areas in the surroundings. The journalist will have an individual desk in a common room with the Administrative Services and the Communication Office. The work mode is hybrid. He/she will have a computer and access to the institution's Wi-Fi, ensuring optimal conditions for daily tasks. Additionally, he/she will have unrestricted access to an important number of scientific online articles and other online resources. During the residency, the journalist will work alongside Ángela R. Bonachera, led by the Communication Office of the ICMM-CSIC. He/she will also be able to access to in-house events (seminars, lectures, etc.) and social events or activities. We will provide the visiting fellow access to our researchers, enable visits to the research facilities such as archives and libraries, and dedicate the necessary time to explain the research procedures.

  • Bioengineering for the future of medicine

    Established in 2005, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is a leading-edge multidisciplinary research centre in Barcelona. It conducts excellent interdisciplinary research at the frontiers of basic and life sciences linked with engineering to generate new knowledge and applications by putting together biophysics, cell engineering, nanomedicine, biomaterials, tissue engineering and the applications of information technology to health.​Researchers at IBEC participate in innovative work in areas such as bioelectronics, regenerative medicine, and biomechanics, seeking innovative solutions to improve healthcare and quality of life.The institute promotes a collaborative environment, encouraging scientists to explore new ideas and collaborate across disciplines.
    ​This new knowledge has been applied during the last years to the advanced technological challenges (ATCs) such as biofabrication for tailored advanced therapies and regeneration and bioengineered living systems, as well as to the advanced societal health challenges (SHCs) such as bioengineering for cancer diagnosis and prognosis; bioengineering for healthy ageing; bioengineering for rare diseases treatments; and bioengineering against COVID-19, added due to the pandemic outbreak. IBEC has gained global recognition with impactful publications and projects.

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    IBEC’s 2024-2027 scientific program focuses on 5 breakthrough scientific-technological areas to develop knowledge and technologies to answer fundamental biological questions and facilitate the uptake of Precision Medicine, Advanced and Emergent therapies and address Global Health and Pandemics. Our vision is conducting pioneering, high-impact basic and applied research addressing unmet biomedical needs through interdisciplinary bioengineering innovations. Our methodology involves fundamental, multi-disciplinary investigations to understand biological systems quantitatively from molecule, cell, tissue, organ to system levels to develop devices, therapies, and protocols leading to better diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of human diseases and improving quality of life.
    ​IBEC’s 5 Breakthrough Focus Areas:
    ​1-New information and data with advanced microscopy, imaging and biological ​mapping-G.Gomila,P. Gorostiza,G. Battaglia,I.Marco-Rius,B.Bolognesi,X. Rovira
    ​2-Engineering of molecular systems based on biological self-assembling, synthetic ​biology and nanomedicine for advanced therapeutic systems-S.Sánchez, S. Muro, ​E.Torrents, X.Fernández-Busquets,C. Rodríguez-Emmenegger
    ​3-Physical forces in Biology: tissue, cell and molecular mechanobiology-X.Trepat, P.​Roca-Cusachs, M.Salmerón-Sánchez
    ​4-Preserving, regenerating and fabricating human organs and tissues: Biomodels and ​tissue engineering-E. Martínez,E.Engel, N.Montserrat, J.A. del Río, Z. Álvarez
    ​5-Ubiquitous sensors, engineered living sensors and smart data analysis: ​Bioelectronic and biomedical signal processing-J. Samitier, J. Ramón, R. Jané, S. ​Marco

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    ​Pilar ​Jiménez Sánchez​
    Host Institution
    Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)​
    Hosting Conditions

    The journalist will be provided with an individual desk, a computer, and access to the institution's Wi-Fi, ensuring optimal conditions for daily tasks. Additionally, he/she will have unrestricted access to an important number of scientific online articles and other online resources. During the residency, our science journalists will be supported and mentored by one member of the department of Strategic Initiatives and the Communications and Public Relations Units.

  • Frontiers of Infectious Diseases 

    The profound impact of infectious diseases on society, notably underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic, accentuates the imperative for in-depth research to comprehend the intricate dynamics of infectious agents. This includes understanding their modes of transmission, the factors within hosts that influence disease outcomes, and the identification of effective intervention strategies. The urgency of this research has been particularly evident during the pandemic, highlighting the pivotal role of scientific investigation in addressing global health challenges.

    The Infectious Diseases Research Program at CIC bioGUNE stands as a vanguard in scientific exploration, pioneering an initiative committed to unraveling the complex and dynamic molecular foundations of infectious diseases. 

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    The profound impact of infectious diseases on society, notably underscored during the COVID-19 pandemic, accentuates the imperative for in-depth research to comprehend the intricate dynamics of infectious agents. This includes understanding their modes of transmission, the factors within hosts that influence disease outcomes, and the identification of effective intervention strategies. The urgency of this research has been particularly evident during the pandemic, highlighting the pivotal role of scientific investigation in addressing global health challenges.

    The Infectious Diseases Research Program at CIC bioGUNE stands as a vanguard in scientific exploration, pioneering an initiative committed to unraveling the complex and dynamic molecular foundations of infectious diseases.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Jana Sendra Viscarro
    Host Institution
    Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences
    Hosting Conditions

    Individual offices/desks equipped with internet connectivity will be provided. The host institution features a dedicated press office, where the team collaborates in a shared workspace, although a hybrid work option is also available. Access to the premises is granted 24/7, and individuals will be provided access to amenities such as the cafeteria, library, online resources, and more.

  • Molecular Frontiers of Cancer

    Cancer, a complex group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth, poses a formidable challenge worldwide. Its impact on society is profound, affecting millions of lives and presenting a substantial burden on healthcare systems. The need for comprehensive research to unravel the intricacies of cancer biology and develop advanced strategies for diagnosis and treatment has never been more crucial.

    The Cancer Research Program at CIC bioGUNE is a multidimensional exploration focused on unraveling the complexities of cancer, specifically targeting Prostate, Breast, Colorectal, and Liver cancers. 

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    This program encompasses several crucial research areas:

    • Molecular Basis of Cancer Progression: Investigating the molecular signatures and signaling pathways that drive the progression of Prostate, Breast, Colorectal, and Liver cancers. Our goal is to identify potential targets for precision medicine and advance the development of tailored therapeutic interventions.

    • Precision Medicine in Cancer Treatment: Applying precision medicine approaches to develop targeted therapies for different cancer types. This includes deciphering the genetic and molecular variations that contribute to cancer heterogeneity and tailoring treatments accordingly.

    • Biomarker Discovery for Diagnostic Advancements: Identifying and validating biomarkers that enhance cancer diagnostics and prognostics. Through advanced molecular profiling and bioinformatics analyses, we aim to contribute to the development of reliable biomarkers for various cancer types.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Jana Sendra Viscarro
    Host Institution
    Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences
    Hosting Conditions

    Individual offices/desks equipped with internet connectivity will be provided. The host institution features a dedicated press office, where the team collaborates in a shared workspace, although a hybrid work option is also available. Access to the premises is granted 24/7, and individuals will be provided access to amenities such as the cafeteria, library, online resources, and more.

  • Molecular Perspectives of Rare Diseases

    Rare diseases, often referred to as orphan diseases, encompass a broad spectrum of disorders that collectively affect a relatively small number of individuals within a population. These diseases are characterized by their low prevalence, typically afflicting fewer than 1 in 2,000 people. Despite their individual rarity, the cumulative impact of rare diseases is substantial, with estimates suggesting that there are thousands of distinct rare diseases, collectively affecting millions of people worldwide.

    Many rare diseases are chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening, often manifesting early in life. Due to their complex and often unpredictable nature, these diseases can lead to significant physical, emotional, and financial burdens on patients and their caregivers. Moreover, the lack of effective treatments exacerbates the challenges faced by individuals living with rare diseases.

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    The importance of research dedicated to rare diseases lies in its potential to unravel the underlying molecular mechanisms, genetic factors, and cellular processes driving these conditions. Investigating genetic mutations associated with rare diseases provides crucial insights into the fundamental aspects of human biology and the consequences of genetic abnormalities. Understanding the molecular basis of disease progression is essential for developing targeted therapies that can alter the course of the disease, improving the quality of life for affected individuals.

    The impact of rare diseases research extends beyond the laboratory, directly influencing clinical practice, healthcare policies, and societal perceptions. By identifying potential therapeutic targets, researchers contribute to the development of novel treatment approaches and pave the way for precision medicine tailored to the unique genetic and molecular profiles of individuals with rare diseases. Additionally, advancements in rare diseases research contribute to the broader understanding of biological processes, benefiting the entire field of medicine.

    The Rare Diseases Research Program at CIC bioGUNE plays a pivotal role in addressing the challenges posed by rare diseases. By exploring the intricate molecular pathways, genetic factors, and cellular mechanisms associated with rare diseases, the program contributes not only to scientific knowledge but also to the development of innovative diagnostic methods and targeted therapeutic strategies. The societal impact of this research is substantial, offering hope and improved outcomes for individuals grappling with rare diseases and their families.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Jana Sendra Viscarro
    Host Institution
    Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences
    Hosting Conditions

    Individual offices/desks equipped with internet connectivity will be provided. The host institution features a dedicated press office, where the team collaborates in a shared workspace, although a hybrid work option is also available. Access to the premises is granted 24/7, and individuals will be provided access to amenities such as the cafeteria, library, online resources, and more.

  • Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies

    The mission of the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) is to advance the highest quality research at Aarhus University (AU) by attracting talented, highly qualified fellows worldwide and within all disciplines. Fellows are provided ideal opportunities to further develop their research in short to long fellowship periods by ensuring fellows’ participation in various kinds of collaboration and exchange with researchers, research groups and advanced students at AU and abroad. The primary criterion for selection of fellows is excellence and not research topic. Therefore, fellows represent a broad scope of academic disciplines and are hereby contributing to the multidisciplinary setting of the Institute. Fellows are encouraged to engage with each other and with local researchers. We strive for diversity in all ways, and host fellows and researchers from all disciplines and nationalities.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Lotte Holm
    Host Institution
    Aarhus University
    Hosting Conditions

    We will provide incoming science journalists with an office space in the AIAS building, situated inside the Aarhus university campus. Science journalists will be included in the daily activities of the house; seminars, workshops, lunches etc. Science journalists will also have access to library facilities and administrative assistance from the AIAS staff. AIAS will assist science journalists in making contact with relevant researchers at the university and other potential collaborators of interest in Denmark. AIAS has a collaboration with the Erasmus Mundus journalism programme, hosted at AU

  • CEITEC Masaryk University

    Harnessing knowledge of plant biology for crop improvement, infectious diseases; RNA/nucleic acids in health and disease; correlative approaches to connect dynamics and structure of living systems; cancer biology; and brain disorders.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Halina Jílková
    Host Institution
    CEITEC Masaryk University
    Czech Republic
    Hosting Conditions

    The FRONTIERS fellow will have his/her own desk and a support from a communications lead of the institute who will be able to introduce him/her to other relevant partners in the city of Brno which has a vibrant innovation ecosystem called #brnoregion (see: The CEITEC Masaryk University communication team works in the office and there will always be someone available to help.

  • ERC@UC Science Journalism Initiative

    Research Projects at UC:

    • Dulce Freire, Rural History, Starting Grant (StG), SH3, ERC-2017-STG, ReSEED, Rescuing seeds’ heritage: engaging in a new framework of agriculture and innovation since the 18th century. Hosting conditions: Image/ video journalist for 5 months in early 2024;
    • Jorge Almeida, Cognitive Neurosciences, Starting Grant (StG), SH4, ERC-2018-STG, ContentMAP, Contentotopic mapping: the topographical organization of object knowledge in the brain. Hosting conditions: 1st semester of 2024;
    • Bárbara Gomes, End of life care, Starting Grant (StG), SH3, ERC-2020-STG, EOLinPLACE, Choice of where we die: a classification reform to discern diversity in individual end-of-life pathways. Hosting conditions: Oct 2024 – Feb 2025 would be good for us but can also consider other later dates.
    • Leona Polyanskaya, Multilingualism, Starting Grant (StG), SH4, ERC-2021-STG, TypoMetaLing, Effect of linguistic experience on metacognition in language tasks and transfer to non-linguistic behaviour. Hosting conditions: April-June 2024 or September-December 2024.
    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    João Ramalho-Santos
    Host Institution
    University of Coimbra
    Hosting Conditions

    Science journalists in residence will be given an individual office and desk according to need, preferably in the specific ERC lab. ERC labs at UC have a research manager / dissemination and communication officer to act as point of contact, but availability and expertise will depend of the specific project. Early on and whenever needed, the Vice-rectory for Research at the UC and team that supports the ERC@UC initiative will liaison with our Division of communication. Journalists will be given the status of UC external collaborator for access to facilities and resources, which includes all libraries at UC.

  • Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

    We are a public university, founded on 6 August 1868 as Scuola Superiore di Commercio. We have reached a high national and international standing with the quality of our research and teaching, which reaches across countries and disciplines. Our university community includes over 23.000 students and 1.400 faculty and staff from all over the world. The main campus is in a large Gothic palace in the heart of Venice, overlooking the Grand Canal, and other venues are spread across the historic centre of Venice, plus Mestre and Treviso.

    We contribute to scientific progress through excellent research that addresses global challenges and has an impact across disciplines. We promote frontier research with the active application of the hard sciences and digital sciences to the centuries-old tradition rooted in the social sciences, humanities, and economics. We are among the top institutions in Europe for the number of Marie Curie fellowships funded by the EU, and first in Italy for European Research Council (ERC) funding. For the quality of their scientific projects, four departments have been acknowledged by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) as “Departments of Excellence”.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Enrico Costa
    Host Institution
    Ca' Foscari University of Venice
    Hosting Conditions

    The Media Relations office is available to discuss directly with interested journalists about the research projects, the available researchers, working conditions and resources.

  • Biocultural Diversity Lab

    The Biocultural Diversity Lab focuses on the Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK), a set of knowledge related to the environment, shared within communities in a specific place. The Biocultural Diversity Lab research has a specific focus on ethnobotany and ethnobiology. The Biocultural Diversity Lab was born during the implementation of the ERC project ‘Divided Generations’ (ERC-StG-2016 DiGe), which carried out research on the medicinal and food uses of plants among different ethnic groups in Eastern and Northern Europe divided during creation or following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, examining the impact of sources, medicine, education, and laws governing their use.
    The focal points of the permanent activities of the Biocultural Diversity Lab are the evolution of knowledge based on the relationships between humans and the environment, both today and in past centuries, through various qualitative and quantitative methods. The application of the results of the research of the Biocultural Diversity Lab is education, the development of local products, participatory conservation strategies, and policy suggestions.

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    We invite the candidates to participate in our three main research projects that will be covered in 2024:
    a) DiGe has clearly demonstrated the devastating effect of Russian occupation on the LEK of the studied traditional societies/minor ethnic groups. We detected erosion, homogenization and standardization of the knowledge within state borders and cross-border differences in knowledge transmission. We will continue studying the medicinal plant use in the researched area, looking for common patterns and the effects of literature and the official Soviet medical system on local ethnomedicine.
    b) The research on the people-nature relations in migration concentrates on the historical Italian migrants to Brazil, exploring the specific plant species that were brought, adapted, or learnt from the local environments, the techniques used for cultivation, and the cultural and social factors that influenced these practices. The ultimate goal of the research is to identify best practices for bicultural conservation considering the local identities and to inform policy and decision-making in this area.
    c) Fishery practices of Laguna di Venezia in Italy and Laguna di Bay in the Philippines are studied from the perspective of the local fishers, involving them as experts in identifying the drivers of changes (both climate and anthropogenic) and searching for sustainable and community-friendly solutions.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Renata Soukand
    Host Institution
    Ca' Foscari University of Venice
    Hosting Conditions

    The science journalist in residence will have an individual desk in an open working space, full access to the premises in working hours, access to the cafeteria, library and online resources. Ca' Foscari's Media Relations Office staff is available to support the journalist during the residency. The BCD Lab team works mainly in the office, except in the season of fieldwork (mainly summer). Depending on the interest of the journalist participation in various fieldwork could also be possible. The main working language in the BCD Lab is English, yet other options can be discussed. The journalist is also invited, if willing, to participate in seminars and regular work discussions, explore the herbarium collections and interact with numerous degree-seeking students of BCD Lab.

  • Italian Institute of Technology

    IIT’s headquarters are in Genoa, constantly linked to its Centres in Italy and two outstations based in the USA. The journalist’s residency may be located in Genoa, where the majority of IIT’s researchers have their labs, or in the network Centers sites: Milano, Torino, Venezia, Rovereto, Ferrara, Pisa, Napoli, Roma, Lecce. The IIT staff comprises more than 1,900 people from about 70 countries, with an average age of 35.
    Currently, IIT is conducting the 2018-2023 scientific plan developing four strategic research domains: Robotics, Nanomaterials, Technologies for Life Science, and Computational Sciences. In 2024 a new scientific plan will be launched with an additional focus on Artificial Intelligence. The main goal is to produce technologies that will have a positive impact on some important societal challenges, such as sustainability and the environment, healthcare and aging society.

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    Among the most advanced research results at IIT, there is the first edible and rechargeable battery, the robots iCub, ErgoCub, Alterego, Centauro and HyQ, the soft robots Plantoid and iSeed, the new smart materials obtained by food waste, and 34 start-up companies.
    IIT is an example of multidisciplinarity, which is one of the most significant characteristics of current scientific research and, also, the great variety of topics that a science journalist is expected to handle in his/her work. IIT is an ideal venue for science journalists who wish to discover and experience a heterogeneous and international scientific environment, ranging from biology to robotics, from new materials to neuroscience, from basic science to technology transfer.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Valeria delle Cave
    Host Institution
    Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology)
    Hosting Conditions

    The journalist’s residency will be organized in such a way that the science journalist will be in direct contact with various researchers according to her/his journalism project. She/he will be able to visit specific facilities and observe research experiments (only if permitted by IIT safety regulations). She/he will have a desk within the Communication and External Relations Directorate office, having the possibility to interact with the IIT’s press officers and have their support to organize her/his stay. She/he will have access to IIT premises, cafeteria and restaurant during working hours and days (Mon-Fri). Other details and specific necessities will be discussed directly with the interested journalist/s.

  • Fishing Architecture. The Ecological Continuum between Buildings and Fish Species

    The shores of the North Atlantic house diverse architectural cultures and its waters are home to a wealth of fish species. The industrialisation of fisheries in the early 19th century and the globalisation of the industry at the end of the 20th century impacted the area’s fishing architecture. The project will assess the ecological impact of fishing constructions and the natural resources they depend upon. Specifically, it will advance our understanding of the ecological impact of human activity. The project will focus on marine ecosystems, fishing technology, food processing, politics, and consumption habits in order to offer a new perspective on construction, in which fishing landscapes bring together land and sea.

    Research Domain
    Contact Person
    Andre Tavares
    Host Institution
    Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto
    Hosting Conditions

    Our team works at the Pink House, a dependence of the architecture school designed by the renowned architect Álvaro Siza. The team works both in the office and remote. Journalists in residence will be offered a shared office and an individual desk, there is access to cafeteria, library, online resources and garden. The architectural school has one press officer.