Group of Lasers and Plasmas (GoLP)

The Group of Lasers and Plasmas (GoLP) at Técnico explores the behavior of matter at the most extreme conditions in the Universe, from black holes and neutron stars to the focii of the most intense lasers or particle accelerators on Earth. In a unique combination of theory, experiments and numerical simulations, the three modern pillars of the scientific method, the group has a longstanding commitment with research in frontier questions in its field, grounded on a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity, and international collaboration, seeking and promoting outstanding scientific quality of its members, and has repeatedly proven its commitment to the scientific and technological development of Portugal and Europe. The Group’s aim is to be recognized as one of the best research groups in our field through the reputation of our researchers, the quality of our students, and the successes of our alumni.

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In its vision, GoLP assumes a leading role in its scientific fields, constitutes a central hub for new ideas and approaches, exciting discoveries and developments; is a magnet for outstanding students, post-docs and researchers; provides an exciting research environment similar to the best; sustains its scientific breakthroughs through a unique interplay between theory, simulation and experiments.
The group addresses theory and simulations of the highly nonlinear and complex phenomena associated with plasmas in extreme conditions, resorting to the fastest supercomputers in the World, and experimental and technological exploration of the next generation of intense radiation sources driven by ultra intense lasers, with experiments on lasers at IST and worldwide. The research questions are closely connected with the Nobel Prizes in Physics of 2018 and 2023. At GoLP there are two ERC grant recipients (Luís Oliveira e Silva, ERC advanced grants in 2010 and 2016, and Frederico Fiúza, ERC consolidator grant in 2022), as well as one recipient of European Innovation Council program in 2021 (Marta Fajardo).
For this project, it is expected that the Journalist in Residence will be strongly immersed in the theory and simulation efforts, hosted by Luís Oliveira e Silva, although he/she will have complete freedom to get to know in depth all scientists in the whole group, depending on the project that will be developed. The connection with the theory and simulation team will provide access to unique media resources resulting from the simulation work and also to collaborators worldwide e.g. UCLA, Oxford, and CERN.

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

We are a public university, founded on 6 August 1868 as Scuola Superiore di Commercio. We have reached a high national and international standing with the quality of our research and teaching, which reaches across countries and disciplines. Our university community includes over 23.000 students and 1.400 faculty and staff from all over the world. The main campus is in a large Gothic palace in the heart of Venice, overlooking the Grand Canal, and other venues are spread across the historic centre of Venice, plus Mestre and Treviso.

We contribute to scientific progress through excellent research that addresses global challenges and has an impact across disciplines. We promote frontier research with the active application of the hard sciences and digital sciences to the centuries-old tradition rooted in the social sciences, humanities, and economics. We are among the top institutions in Europe for the number of Marie Curie fellowships funded by the EU, and first in Italy for European Research Council (ERC) funding. For the quality of their scientific projects, four departments have been acknowledged by MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) as “Departments of Excellence”.

Biocultural Diversity Lab

The Biocultural Diversity Lab focuses on the Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK), a set of knowledge related to the environment, shared within communities in a specific place. The Biocultural Diversity Lab research has a specific focus on ethnobotany and ethnobiology. The Biocultural Diversity Lab was born during the implementation of the ERC project ‘Divided Generations’ (ERC-StG-2016 DiGe), which carried out research on the medicinal and food uses of plants among different ethnic groups in Eastern and Northern Europe divided during creation or following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, examining the impact of sources, medicine, education, and laws governing their use.
The focal points of the permanent activities of the Biocultural Diversity Lab are the evolution of knowledge based on the relationships between humans and the environment, both today and in past centuries, through various qualitative and quantitative methods. The application of the results of the research of the Biocultural Diversity Lab is education, the development of local products, participatory conservation strategies, and policy suggestions.

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We invite the candidates to participate in our three main research projects that will be covered in 2024:
a) DiGe has clearly demonstrated the devastating effect of Russian occupation on the LEK of the studied traditional societies/minor ethnic groups. We detected erosion, homogenization and standardization of the knowledge within state borders and cross-border differences in knowledge transmission. We will continue studying the medicinal plant use in the researched area, looking for common patterns and the effects of literature and the official Soviet medical system on local ethnomedicine.
b) The research on the people-nature relations in migration concentrates on the historical Italian migrants to Brazil, exploring the specific plant species that were brought, adapted, or learnt from the local environments, the techniques used for cultivation, and the cultural and social factors that influenced these practices. The ultimate goal of the research is to identify best practices for bicultural conservation considering the local identities and to inform policy and decision-making in this area.
c) Fishery practices of Laguna di Venezia in Italy and Laguna di Bay in the Philippines are studied from the perspective of the local fishers, involving them as experts in identifying the drivers of changes (both climate and anthropogenic) and searching for sustainable and community-friendly solutions.

African Studies Centre Leiden

Research on developments on the African continent (sub-Sahara), with a focus on migration, youth, history, politics, economics, religion, languages, finance & banking, and demography.

Dipolar Quantum Gases

Our group studies dipolar quantum gases made of Erbium (Er) and Dysprosium (Dy) atoms. These extraordinarily magnetic species are a powerful new resource for reaching quantum simulation with strong connectivity, in which each atom is coupled to the other over long distances, and exploring exotic phases of matter that have no classical counterpart.

We have three labs: the ERBIUM LAB, where Er was Bose condensed for the first time ever, the Er-Dy LAB which studies quantum dipolar mixtures under a quantum-gas microscope, and the T-Reqs LAB, where we trap Er atoms in arrays of optical tweezers for Rydberg physics. Recently, we have established a theoretical subdivision aimed at studying and predicting dipolar phenomena in dipolar quantum gases and mixtures.

Italian Institute of Technology

IIT’s headquarters are in Genoa, constantly linked to its Centres in Italy and two outstations based in the USA. The journalist’s residency may be located in Genoa, where the majority of IIT’s researchers have their labs, or in the network Centers sites: Milano, Torino, Venezia, Rovereto, Ferrara, Pisa, Napoli, Roma, Lecce. The IIT staff comprises more than 1,900 people from about 70 countries, with an average age of 35.
Currently, IIT is conducting the 2018-2023 scientific plan developing four strategic research domains: Robotics, Nanomaterials, Technologies for Life Science, and Computational Sciences. In 2024 a new scientific plan will be launched with an additional focus on Artificial Intelligence. The main goal is to produce technologies that will have a positive impact on some important societal challenges, such as sustainability and the environment, healthcare and aging society.

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Among the most advanced research results at IIT, there is the first edible and rechargeable battery, the robots iCub, ErgoCub, Alterego, Centauro and HyQ, the soft robots Plantoid and iSeed, the new smart materials obtained by food waste, and 34 start-up companies.
IIT is an example of multidisciplinarity, which is one of the most significant characteristics of current scientific research and, also, the great variety of topics that a science journalist is expected to handle in his/her work. IIT is an ideal venue for science journalists who wish to discover and experience a heterogeneous and international scientific environment, ranging from biology to robotics, from new materials to neuroscience, from basic science to technology transfer.

Fishing Architecture. The Ecological Continuum between Buildings and Fish Species

The shores of the North Atlantic house diverse architectural cultures and its waters are home to a wealth of fish species. The industrialisation of fisheries in the early 19th century and the globalisation of the industry at the end of the 20th century impacted the area’s fishing architecture. The project will assess the ecological impact of fishing constructions and the natural resources they depend upon. Specifically, it will advance our understanding of the ecological impact of human activity. The project will focus on marine ecosystems, fishing technology, food processing, politics, and consumption habits in order to offer a new perspective on construction, in which fishing landscapes bring together land and sea.