From Planet Earth to the Infinite Universe @ Ciências ULisboa

“What we do not know today, we will know tomorrow” (Garcia de Orta, 1563). This is the motto that guides Ciências ULisboa, the 2nd largest School of the University of Lisbon, with + 5600 students (BSc, MSc, PhD) and +500 Professors & researchers.
With +1200 international scientific articles/year, it is the ULisboa School with the highest scientific productivity per capita, raising approximately €40M/year to R&D projects. More than 90% of its R&D Units are evaluated as Excellent or Very Good by FCT. Its 10 Departments and 19 R&D Units conduct cutting-edge research addressing scientific challenges spanning from life to earth sciences, from physical and chemical to computer and mathematical sciences, from engineering to history and philosophy of sciences.
Ciências proudly hosts twelve European grants: five Marie Curies, and seven ERC grantees (4 Starting, 2 Consolidator, 1 Advanced) – of which five are currently undergoing:

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Sustainable, equitable & climate-smart marine spatial planning processes in Antarctica and beyond: Catarina Frazão Santos, ERC StG 2023, PLAnT, Planning the Sustainable Use of the Ocean in Antarctica in a context of Global Environmental Change.

How do interactions between species affect an ecosystem’s ability to recover after external disturbances? Inês Fragata, ERC StG 2022, DYNAMICTRIO, Feedback between population dynamics and evolution of interactions in a tri-trophic system.

How hard is it to find a good algorithm for a given computational problem? Bruno Loff, ERC StG 2022, HoFGA, The Hardness of Finding Good Algorithms.

Coral reefs: can we predict biodiversity changes in time and space? What are the consequences of these changes to their ecosystem functions? Maria Dornelas, ERC CoG 2021, coralINT, Integrated Niche Theory: linking environmental, compositional and functional change on coral reefs.

How did navigators of 16th and 17th centuries experience Earth observation? Henrique Leitão, ERC AdvG 2018, RUTTER, Making the Earth Global: Early Modern Nautical Rutters and the Construction of a Global Concept of the Earth.

From unearthing mysteries on our planet (Largest dinosaur skleleton in Europe might have been found in Portugal) to exploring the Universe (Portugal participates in the development of a first-class instrument for the largest telescope in the world), from the latest challenges in computer science (First open AI language model for Portuguese now available) to tackling global issues (Climate change can put the planet’s largest reserves of drinking water at risk): everyday, we challenge the limits of science and technology at Ciências ULisboa.

We aim to build bridges with society, through innovation (Filipa Rocha named finalist for the 2023 Young Inventors Award) and entrepreneurship: TecLabs, our innovation center, aggregates +29 incubated companies (e.g. R_Nuucell, a spin-off studying a potential breast cancer drug, wins Women TechEU grant).

Learn more about our vision through our institutional video.

Find out more about our research:

Largest dinosaur skleleton in Europe might have been found in Portugal
Portugal participates in the development of a first-class instrument for the largest telescope in the world
First open AI language model for Portuguese now available
Climate change can put the planet’s largest reserves of drinking water at risk
Filipa Rocha named finalist for the 2023 Young Inventors Award
R_Nuucell, a spin-off studying a potential breast cancer drug, wins Women TechEU grant
Climate extremes such as intense and prolonged droughts and intense heat waves
Natural disasters induced by major extreme climatic and meteorological events (…)
(…) and its impact on ecosystems (…)
(…) precious resources for humankind
Sustainability Living Lab
Analyzing sustainable mobility
Ecological monitoring of sources of renewable energy
Searching the Universe for exoplanets (…)
(…) and massive black holes
First-class instruments for the largest telescopes in the world
Name of one of our astrophysicists even shines in the night sky
Development of tangible tools to promote digital learning for visually impaired children
Mapping of the biodiversity that exists on green roofs and facades in cities
Role of cleaning fishes in conserving biodiversity distinguished with FLAD Science Award Atlantic 2023
Several of our researchers among the world’s top 2% scientists
Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo
Community of Science Communicators