This is a public database of research institutions and projects that want to host science journalists for their FRONTIERS Residencies.

The Hosts Database contains expressions of interest received by the FRONTIERS Team and these are a great starting point for applicants. However, an institution does not have to be in this Database to be eligible as a host institution. Journalists are encouraged to do their investigation and contact the research institutions that best fit their project.

If you have any questions or feedback about this database, please check out the FRONTIERS Program Guide and Frequently Asked Questions pages, or write to

  • Cosmology & Astroparticle physics

    Our group works on the fields of theoretical cosmology and astroparticle physics with the goal of understanding the fundamental laws of the universe, exploiting synergies between astrophysical observations and laboratory experiments. This project would be embedded within UNDARK, a recently founded consortium funded by the EU “Widening participation and spreading excellence programme” (TWINNING project number 101159929). This consortium will carry out, from 2024 until 2027 and in collaboration with other partner institutions such as CERN, or the CNRS, an intense scientific and outreach program focused on shedding light on the so-called “dark universe”.

    As we currently know from astrophysical observations, barely 18% of the total matter of the Cosmos is made up of the elements in atoms with which we are familiar, while the remaining 82%, termed dark matter, is the dominant type of matter in galaxies. In addition, all matter, ordinary and dark, currently only makes up 31% of the energy in the universe, with the rest being an even more mysterious component called dark energy which causes the universe as a whole to accelerate while it is expanding.

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    Advancing these fundamental questions is currently the focus of a multidisciplinary effort at the frontiers of astroparticle physics and cosmology, that is setting the scene for future scientific breakthroughs. Among these major puzzles, the problem of dark matter exhibits the most diverse set of observational manifestations, ranging from the cosmic microwave background and the large-scale distribution of galaxies to galactic dynamics. Hence, this area of astroparticle physics is the subject of extensive theoretical scrutiny.

    The ultimate scientific goal of the UNDARK consortium is to explore the dark universe and, in particular, discover what is dark matter made of. For this, we plan to use the state-of-the-art telescopes and facilities installed in the Canary Islands Observatories with the assistance of world-class institutions on the fields of astroparticle physics and cosmology. We have planned a vibrant scientific and artistic exchange program, several scientific meetings and schools, as well as there will be scientific staff and a scientific illustrator hired under the project.

    Contact Person
    Jorge Martin Camalich
    Host Institution
    Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
    Hosting Conditions

    The scientific journalist will enjoy the following conditions: – will work independently within the Communication and Press (UC3) department of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). – will have an individual working desk within a shared office with other members of the UC3 department (most working in the office). – will have 24/7 access to the premises. – will have access to library, cafeteria and all other facilities and resorurces as any other member of the IAC research and UC3 teams.

  • Department of Mathematics – University of Valencia

    The research done in applied mathematics can be crucial to numerical simulations in other fields in physics and astrophysics, so the nature of my research is quite multidisciplinary since input from the field associated to the simulations is crucial to succeeding. On the other hand, the gravitational wave astronomy field is qualified as frontier research due to the complexity of the research in all the areas involved, from building of the detectors to modeling source and development of data analysis techniques. Understanding the universe and all their fascinating objects has always had a great impact in our society.

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    The research lines focus on applied mathematics and astrophysics, with special interest in the development of numerical methods for partial differential equations, numerical relativity and gravitational waves. Isabel Cordero-Carrión is currently a member of the Virgo Collaboration as part of the Valencia Virgo group. In this role, she holds several management positions: Isabel serves as one of the two co-ombudspersons, is the current Virgo outreach coordinator, and is a member of the Core Program committee. Additionally, she is involved with the Einstein Telescope project and the Einstein Telescope Preparation Phase project.

    Apart from her teaching, research, and management responsibilities at the university, Isabel Cordero-Carrión is highly engaged in outreach and communication. She is a member of the team behind the Oscilador Armónico podcast, a regular participant in the Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido podcast, and occasionally contributes to the A Ciencia Cierta podcast.

    Contact Person
    Isabel Cordero-Carrión
    Host Institution
    University of Valencia
    Hosting Conditions

    The journalist will share an office with a researcher. The host institution have a scientific communication and innovation unit (, but it is not very big; I have direct contact with this unit. Most time my team is working in the office, sometimes we also work remotely. There will be no problem to access the premises 24/7, and to give access to the rest of the university facilities (cafeteria, library, online resources).

  • Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ-CERCA)

    Our Institute is organized into three research pillars covering a wide range of chemical disciplines: Innovative Catalysis, Renewable Energies and Molecular Medicine. These are carefully designed to address global challenges, including energy, the environment, health, and materials. Aligning our research efforts with these critical areas, we seek to make meaningful contributions that drive positive change and create a sustainable future.

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    Innovative Catalysis
    Catalysis is the Institute’s largest and most significant research area, making a significant contribution to sustainable chemistry. Its primary goal is to advance processes and products that enhance resource utilization efficiency and minimize waste generation. This field encompasses a broad range of chemical catalysis investigations, including homogeneous, heterogeneous, supramolecular and enantioselective catalysis. It also involves the development of novel ligands and catalytic processes, as well as the design and simulation of catalytic reactors.

    Renewable Energies
    At ICIQ, several research groups are actively engaged in various endeavours with a common goal of contributing to the development of new energy solutions that offer viable alternatives to fossil fuels. These efforts include hydrogen generation from water through sustainable processes, the advancement of more efficient photovoltaic devices, and the conversion of CO2 into liquid fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry.

    Molecular medicine
    In the molecular medicine research area at ICIQ, several research groups are striving to drive innovation and advancements in healthcare. They aim to develop advanced sensor technologies that can revolutionize medical diagnostics and monitoring, identify new therapeutic compounds targeting specific diseases, and study the interactions between chemicals and biological systems to enhance healthcare solutions.

    Contact Person
    Marta Llorens Fons
    Host Institution
    Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia
    Hosting Conditions

    The science journalists in residence will have an individual desk in an office shared with the Communication and Outreach unit. ICIQ has a unit with experts in corporate and scientific communication and disemination. The centre offers flexible hours, as it is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • Photovoltaic Technology & Energy Systems Group at imo-imomec

    Imo-imomec is a joint research institute of Hasselt University (UHasselt) and imec where engineers, chemists and physicists conduct multidisciplinary materials research. We focus on advanced material systems for a sustainable and healthy society. Our core domains are energy, sustainable materials, sensors & healthcare materials, and quantum technologies. Imec performs world-leading research in nano-electronics and creates groundbreaking innovation in application domains such as healthcare, smart cities and mobility, logistics and manufacturing, and energy. UHasselt is a young university, but its education and research are well-regarded worldwide – with some excellent international ranking positions. UHasselt is ranked 35th out of 605 in the Times Higher Education ranking of the world’s best universities under 50 (years old), and it is ranked among the best 10 higher education institutions in the European Commission’s U-Multirank.

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    Imo-imomec’s energy research is part of: (i) EnergyVille, which is an association of the Flemish research centres KU Leuven, VITO, imec and UHasselt in the field of sustainable energy and intelligent energy systems, and (ii) Solliance, which works with and for the industry, both to fulfil short-term needs of industry, and to convey promising lines of mid- and long-term (thin film) PV research. This project will take place in the PV technology & Energy systems group at imo-imomec , which consists of 3 technology development teams: (i) Thin-film PV, (ii) Wafer-based PV, and (iii) Energy system management.

    Solar energy is the most widely available energy resource on Earth, and photovoltaic (PV) solar energy is currently cheaper than any power source ever before. In 1839, Edmond Becquerel discovered the operating principle of a PV solar cell, and in 1883, Charles Fritts developed the very first working cell. It was not until 1954 that the first practical silicon solar cell was demonstrated at Bell Labs, and in the last decades the PV industry has undergone remarkable growth due to both efficiency increases and cost reductions. Today, PV solar energy is the new king of global power markets, as is stated by the International Energy Agency (IEA) based on PV expansion being at its fastest pace in two decades. An even faster pace is projected in the coming years, with the very low cost of PV solar energy driving the global demand for renewables. The PV technology & Energy systems group at imo-imomec has been at the forefront of PV research, development and valorization since 1984, and is therefore the ideal host to study the history, rise and future of solar energy for the energy transition.

    Contact Person
    Bart Vermang
    Host Institution
    Hasselt University
    Hosting Conditions

    We will provide a welcoming and satisfactory working experience, within the EnergyVille premises.

  • Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics

    The Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI) is a research institute in Berlin, Germany. We perform basic and applied research at the nexus of materials science, condensed matter physics, and device engineering. The institute is part of the Forschungsverbund Berlin and a member of the Leibniz Association.

    At PDI, we focus on the fabrication and analysis of nanomaterials for semiconductor technology. Since our foundation in 1992, we have been dedicated to the advancement of materials science, particularly in the development and application of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). We have the expertise and facilities in-house to manage the entire process from growth of materials, to microstructural characterization, spectroscopic analysis, and theoretical modeling. PDI works closely with partners from science, industry and academia, and actively engages in the transfer of knowledge and technologies to the public. The institute is committed to advancing science through the training and education of young researchers.

    Contact Person
    Eimear Bruen
    Host Institution
    Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics
    Hosting Conditions

    Journalists will have an office space at PDI and the ability to work in a hybrid manner. They will have access to the library, labs, and insights through our scientists and technicians. They will have the support of our Head of Communications and administrative team.

  • Cavendish Laboratory

    For 150 years, the Cavendish Laboratory has been at the forefront of scientific discovery. Our researchers work at the frontier of physics, from experimental and theoretical through to applied physics in biology, biomedicine and the life sciences, and the physics of sustainability.
    The core of the Laboratory’s programme has been, and continues to be, experimental physics, supported by excellence in theory. Much of our research and teaching has been driven by the desire to understand physics at its most basic level and to answer many of the ‘big questions’ in physics.

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    We work across ten key research themes: Astrophysics, Physics of Soft Matter and NanoSystems, Energy Materials, Applied Quantum Physics and Devices, Physics of Life, High Energy Physics, Theory of Condensed Matter, Synthetic Quantum Systems, Fundamental Physics of Quantum Matter and Quantum Information and Control.
    These fields encompass a variety of research groups, eachin with its own scientific aims and ambitions but united by two common goals:
    – the search for a fundamental understanding of the Universe and the laws that govern it
    – seeking new ways to apply the laws of nature.

    Contact Person
    Vanessa Bismuth
    Host Institution
    University of Cambridge
    United Kingdom
    Hosting Conditions

    We will provide a desk in our new home, the Ray Dolby Cente, a state of the art and purpose-built facility in the heart of Cambridge's innovation district. Our press office is available to host and organise the induction within the department. You will be able to work hybrid and will have access to our library, online resources and other facilities available on the premises and within the University. We may be able to arrange for accomodation through one of the colleges (to be determined).

  • Music Technology Group (MTG)

    The Music Technology Group (MTG) of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) is an internationally recognized research group with 30 years of experience. The group is part of the Department of Information and Communications Technologies, and its research is especially active in topics such as audio signal processing, musical information retrieval, musical interfaces, and computational musicology. The group has extensive experience in research projects both nationally and internationally, and actively works in collaboration with industry. Some technology transfer success stories include Vocaloid, a singing voice synthesiser developed with Yamaha which gained great popularity around the world thanks to the virtual singer Hatsune Miku, and the commercial exploitation of the interactive instrument Reactable, developed at the MTG and used by many popular bands such as Bjork or Coldplay.

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    The Music Technology Group (MTG) of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) is an internationally recognized research group with 30 years of experience. The group is part of the Department of Information and Communications Technologies, and its research is especially active in topics such as audio signal processing, musical information retrieval, musical interfaces, and computational musicology. The group has extensive experience in research projects both nationally and internationally, and actively works in collaboration with industry. Some technology transfer success stories include Vocaloid, a singing voice synthesiser developed with Yamaha which gained great popularity around the world thanks to the virtual singer Hatsune Miku, and the commercial exploitation of the interactive instrument Reactable, developed at the MTG and used by many popular bands such as Bjork or Coldplay.
    In the last years the research team has been involved in some projects related to Artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact in the processes of creating, disseminating, learning and listening to music. The MTG has recently launched a Chair on AI & Music focused on the ethical and social implications of AI in the music sector.
    AI has been heralded as a transformative force within the music sector, promising unparalleled opportunities to amplify creativity, accessibility, and efficiency. However, amidst this promise, concerns have arisen from most of the established stakeholders regarding the risks it poses, particularly for artists, prompting calls for robust public regulations. This has triggered an unprecedented public debate in which ethical concerns are taking center stage, underscoring the need for creating AI technologies founded on strong ethical principles.
    We should make sure that AI technologies can assist all the music sector stakeholders on their diverse tasks, while placing artists/musicians at the center. Large AI models should aim to capture the essence of music understanding and they should be able to solve specific problems by fine-tuning them. These large AI models should be trained on huge amounts of diverse multimodal music data and their outputs should capture the complex relationships that make up music. The fine-tuned models should support specific tasks related to the creation, production, distribution, access, analysis, or enjoyment of music.
    Contact Person
    Sonia Espí
    Host Institution
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra
    Hosting Conditions

    Desk in an office at the research lab, and possibility to work remotely. Access to cafeteria, library, contact with the institutional press office. Interaction with the research team and participation in research meetings.

  • Frontiers of the Universe: Making Sense of the Universe at Leiden Observatory

    Research at Leiden Observatory spans the entire width of modern astrophysical enquiry. It is based on observation, theory, simulation, and experiment. Two broad clusters characterize the ongoing research. Within each theme, researchers carry out their personal and specialized research programme. The two clusters are: Galaxies, the structures in which they are embedded, Exoplanets, and the formation of stars and planets.

    Galaxies and the structures in which they are embedded: Researchers at Leiden Observatory study the fundamental physics – the basic properties, materials and forces that create structure in the Universe. Which processes collect matter into galaxies and gas into stars? With the use of powerful telescopes advanced calculations, and computer simulations, astronomers seek to understand the origin, structure and evolution of galaxies in general and the Milky Way in particular. Through these structures, they try to uncover the unknown physics of dark matter and dark energy that takes up 95% of the Universe.

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    Exoplanets and the formation of stars and planets: At Leiden Observatory, researchers investigate the origin of stars and their planetary systems. They detect and characterize planets around other stars (exoplanets) and study how stars and planets form, for instance, by following molecules from interstellar clouds to nascent planetary systems. In this way, they address questions about the origin of life and the possibilities of life existing on planets other than Earth. In other words, is Earth unique?

    In the last five years Leiden Observatory hosts nine ERC researchers (list below), these researchers make big contributions to the clusters above.

    ERC Reinout van Weeren, Unravelling the pysics of particle acceleration and feedback in galaxy clusters and the cosmic web (2018)
    ERC Serena Viti, Molecules as Probes of the Physics of External galaxies (2019)
    ERC Joe Hennawi, Quasars in a Neutral Universe: Chronicling the History of Reionization, Enrichment, and Black Hole Growth (2020)
    ERC Elena Maria Rossi, Probing our Galaxy from the Center to the outskirts (2020)
    ERC Ewine van Dishoeck, Linking chemistry and physics in the planet-forming zones of disks (2021)
    ERC Aline Vidotto, The influence of stellar outflows on exoplanetary mass loss (2021)
    ERC Henk Hoekstra, Observational Cosmology Using Large Imaging Surveys (2022)
    ERC Jackie Hodge, A new View of Young galaxies with ALMA and JWST (2023)
    ERC Yamila Miguel, Next-Generation of Interior models of (Exo)planets (2023)

    These researchers showcase the diversity of frontier research, the diversity of research infrastructures (from space telescopes to radioastronomy) and the diversity of researchers’ careers (from starting to advance ERC grants) and backgrounds.

    Contact Person
    Pedro Ruso
    Host Institution
    Leiden University
    Hosting Conditions

    The Leiden Observatory is an exciting international research institute. Established in 1633, it is the oldest university observatory in the world, with a rich tradition. Leiden Observatory conducts world-class research in the formation of structures in the universe, the origin and evolution of galaxies, the detection and characterization of exoplanets, and the formation of stars and planetary systems. The institute comprises about 40 faculty and adjunct faculty, 55 postdoctoral researchers, 120 MSc and 100 PhD students, and 30 support staff. We offer an excellent educational programme at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels and a renowned PhD programme. Within the Faculty of Science, the institute closely collaborates with the Leiden Institute of Physics, the Mathematical Institute and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science. The journalists will be fully embedded in the Observatory with an assigned desk in an office with other researchers, access to every staff, postdoc and PhD student, and invited to attend all the scientific colloquia, seminars, and of course social activities (like the summer bbq). The journalists can use the Leiden University facilities from canteen to other libraries and co-working places in Leiden and the Hauge. Tthere is free coffee and tea.

  • Group of Lasers and Plasmas (GoLP)

    The Group of Lasers and Plasmas (GoLP) at Técnico explores the behavior of matter at the most extreme conditions in the Universe, from black holes and neutron stars to the focii of the most intense lasers or particle accelerators on Earth. In a unique combination of theory, experiments and numerical simulations, the three modern pillars of the scientific method, the group has a longstanding commitment with research in frontier questions in its field, grounded on a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity, and international collaboration, seeking and promoting outstanding scientific quality of its members, and has repeatedly proven its commitment to the scientific and technological development of Portugal and Europe. The Group’s aim is to be recognized as one of the best research groups in our field through the reputation of our researchers, the quality of our students, and the successes of our alumni.

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    In its vision, GoLP assumes a leading role in its scientific fields, constitutes a central hub for new ideas and approaches, exciting discoveries and developments; is a magnet for outstanding students, post-docs and researchers; provides an exciting research environment similar to the best; sustains its scientific breakthroughs through a unique interplay between theory, simulation and experiments.
    The group addresses theory and simulations of the highly nonlinear and complex phenomena associated with plasmas in extreme conditions, resorting to the fastest supercomputers in the World, and experimental and technological exploration of the next generation of intense radiation sources driven by ultra intense lasers, with experiments on lasers at IST and worldwide. The research questions are closely connected with the Nobel Prizes in Physics of 2018 and 2023. At GoLP there are two ERC grant recipients (Luís Oliveira e Silva, ERC advanced grants in 2010 and 2016, and Frederico Fiúza, ERC consolidator grant in 2022), as well as one recipient of European Innovation Council program in 2021 (Marta Fajardo).
    For this project, it is expected that the Journalist in Residence will be strongly immersed in the theory and simulation efforts, hosted by Luís Oliveira e Silva, although he/she will have complete freedom to get to know in depth all scientists in the whole group, depending on the project that will be developed. The connection with the theory and simulation team will provide access to unique media resources resulting from the simulation work and also to collaborators worldwide e.g. UCLA, Oxford, and CERN.
    Contact Person
    Luís Oliveira e Silva
    Host Institution
    Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisboa
    Hosting Conditions

    As hosting institution, Instituto Superior Técnico is committed to provide: 1. Immersion on a vibrant community of more than 1000 Faculty members and staff members, more than 12000 students, covering all fields of engineering, math, physics, and architecture; 2. Badge or other forms of credentials granting access to the relevant premises; 3. Access to all cafeteria/canteen and other shared areas under the same condition as research staff; 4. Access to the institution’s library and electronic resources (such as books, scientific journals and databases); 5. Access to all events and activities organized for the institution’s staff. 6. Access to free shuttle service to Oeiras Campus, under the same condition as research staff; 7. Access to community bicycles and locks free of charge 8. Access to computer support service and software free of charge 9. Access to Instituto Superior Técnico Health Services, under the same condition as research staff; 10. Access to protocols and agreements with numerous private service providers, under the same condition as research staff; 11. Access to daycare center (upon availability), under the same condition as research staff; In addition, Group of Lasers and Plasmas/Extreme Plasma Physics group, also provides 1. A working space 24/7, with a computer and a laptop with access to wi-fi, and wired fast network connections;; 2. Access to computing resources to perform video/sound/content capture and editing;; 3. Access to the media library (movies, virtual reality models, still images) of science results of the group.

  • Dipolar Quantum Gases

    Our group studies dipolar quantum gases made of Erbium (Er) and Dysprosium (Dy) atoms. These extraordinarily magnetic species are a powerful new resource for reaching quantum simulation with strong connectivity, in which each atom is coupled to the other over long distances, and exploring exotic phases of matter that have no classical counterpart.

    We have three labs: the ERBIUM LAB, where Er was Bose condensed for the first time ever, the Er-Dy LAB which studies quantum dipolar mixtures under a quantum-gas microscope, and the T-Reqs LAB, where we trap Er atoms in arrays of optical tweezers for Rydberg physics. Recently, we have established a theoretical subdivision aimed at studying and predicting dipolar phenomena in dipolar quantum gases and mixtures.

    Contact Person
    Silvia Bonazza
    Host Institution
    University of Innsbruck – AG Ferlaino
    Hosting Conditions

    working place (equipped with laptop) share with up to 3 persons. Working in the office (no home office). Access to the premises 24/7, working hours previously agreed with project leader. Our university has a central press office located in the city centre that interacts with our group for the preparation of press releases. Our group is based on the technical campus where our laboratories are located. The campus is well served by public transport and easily accessible from the city centre.