Frequently Asked Questions

about the FRONTIERS Program

Who can apply to a FRONTIERS residency?

When calls for applications are open, science journalists who have identified a host institution may apply using the available application form.

The application is submitted by the science journalist but, at the application stage, both the applicant journalist and the host institution must commit to the FRONTIERS residency programme terms, by signing a commitment letter. Please refer to the Program Guide for more information.

Applicant journalists may submit a single application per call. Should more than one application exist, only the last one to be submitted will be considered. Applicants who have not been selected in one call may apply again in a subsequent call.

Note: No legal entity established in Russia, Belarus or non-government-controlled territories of Ukraine is eligible to participate in any capacity in any Horizon Europe grant for calls with a deadline after 10 May 2022. This includes all types of participation or involvement, e.g. as beneficiaries, linked third parties/affiliated entities, subcontractors, in-kind contributors, international partners/associated partners, third parties receiving financial support, fellows and visiting researchers. This also includes private Russian and Belarusian legal persons and natural persons (whatever their nationality) who have their habitual residence in one of the areas mentioned. For more information, visit this page.

Who counts as a science journalist in the context of FRONTIERS?

Science journalists living in Europe and associated countries are the main beneficiaries of the initiative, but applications from science journalists living elsewhere will also be considered. The residency entails moving to the host institution’s country.

Applicant journalists must document their experience as science journalists by submitting examples of their work within their application to a FRONTIERS call.

FRONTIERS grants differentiate among three levels of career, based on professional seniority:

  • early-career: up to 5 years of professional experience;
  • mid-career: 6-9 years of experience;
  • established: ten or more years of experience.

Who counts as an eligible applicant for the third call of the FRONTIERS Residency Programme?

The third call is open exclusively to early-career science journalists with up to five years of professional experience in journalism.

Who is the recipient of the FRONTIERS grant?

FRONTIERS grants are assigned directly to the selected journalists. Host Institutions are not funded through this initiative nor may they be intermediaries in the journalist’s funding.

When applying to a FRONTIERS fellowship, should journalists choose a host institution/project within the Hosts Database?

Not necessarily. The database contains expressions of interest received by the FRONTIERS team, which are an excellent starting point. However, an institution does not have to be in the database to be eligible to host a science journalist. Journalists are encouraged to do their own investigation and contact the research institutions that best fit their project.

Where may FRONTIERS residencies take place?

Residencies should take place at an institution involved in frontier research, in any field of science, that commits in writing to the terms of the FRONTIERS Residency Programme. host institutions must be in the European Union or an associated country with the EU’s Horizon Europe programme by the call deadline.

Institutions willing to host science journalists for a residency may express their interest through the appropriate form. The list of institutions and scientific projects will be made available at the FRONTIERS website.

Journalists looking for institutions or projects should regularly visit the FRONTIERS database page.

Note about Switzerland’s eligibility to host a FRONTIERS fellow: Following the launch of the negotiations between Switzerland and the EU, Swiss entities are eligible to apply for certain 2024 and 2025 ERC calls. However, since the developments on the association of Switzerland do not have an impact on calls launched before 2024, a Host Institution established in Switzerland is not eligible to host a science journalist, according to the conditions of the FRONTIERS call (launched in 2023).

If a residency project is split across more than one institution, should the proposed project be related to each other?

Should the journalist’s project involve multiple scientists or research endeavours, at least one must be primarily focused on frontier research. Applicants must also clarify why they seek interactions with several scientists and what narrative or personal journey they aim to explore.

When do the residencies take place?

The exact starting date for each residency should be coordinated between the science journalist and the host institution.

For the 3rd call, residencies are expected to start from September onward. In exceptional cases, extensions may be granted upon request, subject to approval by the CSO.

What is frontier research in the context of FRONTIERS?

The FRONTIERS initiative has a unique commitment to support science journalism projects whose main subject or topic of interest is considered “frontier research”.

To some extent, the definition of “frontier research” might be considered elusive. Still, FRONTIERS grants will only be awarded to projects that put frontier research at their core.

When trying to identify a suitable frontier research project, please consider this list of indicators or attributes that are typically associated with “frontier research”, and can serve as the first screening step in the process:

  • Basic research (unlike applicative research)
  • Tapping into uncharted water
  • Pushing the boundaries of knowledge
  • Aspiration for excellence leading to the foundation of new discoveries
  • Founded on new principles and/or new conceptions
  • Involving high conceptual scientific risk(s)
  • First / best in class
  • Addressing complex global challenges

Note that in many cases these above-listed indicators/attributes may be too general or too inclusive, for assessing if a scientific topic is “frontier research”. Therefore, we have prepared a short recorded course (30 minutes) that includes an additional set of tools and indicators that will assist you in the process of self-assessing “frontier research”.

What is the role of individual researchers in the context of FRONTIERS?

Researchers working on frontier science projects are welcome to work alongside FRONTIER fellows during their residency, helping them navigate the day-to-day at a research institution and supporting the journalist journey within a new science field.

Individual researchers willing to share their research project with potential applicant journalists may submit an expression of interest using the appropriate form. Remember that for application, the applicant journalist will need an institutional letter of support. 

Are FRONTIERS fellows expected to work for the institutional communication department?

No. The FRONTIERS Fellow will not be involved in institutional communication. Their residency is an opportunity to explore a specific field of frontier science with total independence and the outputs of the residency are a decision from the journalist alone. 

As those with probably more awareness about journalists’ work, communication departments are invited to collaborate as much as possible in helping the FRONTIERS fellow feel welcome and, together, create mutual learning opportunities with researchers within the institution.

What type of commitment is expected from the host institution?

Potential Host Institutions are expected to commit to ensuring a fruitful and enriching experience for the journalists in carrying out their project in total independence and in a welcoming and safe working environment. Basic requirements include:

  • Badge or other forms of credentials granting access to the relevant premises;
  • Access to the cafeteria/canteen and other shared areas under the same condition as research staff;
  • A working space with access to wi-fi;
  • Access to the institution’s library and electronic resources (such as books, scientific journals and databases);
  • Access to all events and activities organized for the institution’s staff.

During the residency, host institutions should invite FRONTIERS fellows to participate in activities that encourage debate on science and the media within the institution, such as asking them to deliver a seminar on a topic of their choice.

Host institutions will also be invited to collaborate with the FRONTIERS Team in documenting the FRONTIERS Residency for others to learn from their experience. This includes answering surveys and interviews, providing information for the FRONTIERS website and social media, and collecting footage (guidelines will be provided once the residency starts).

What type of commitment is expected from a FRONTIERS fellow?

During the residency, FRONTIERS fellows are expected to focus fully on their project and refrain from outside professional work.

In this period, journalists are expected to interact frequently with researchers and other professionals working in the host institution and to take part in social and cultural events being carried out there. Namely, journalists should collaborate with the host institutions on activities that encourage debate on science and the media. 

FRONTIERS fellows are expected to actively participate in training and networking activities organized within the FRONTIERS project framework. Fellows will be asked to share their experience and collaborate with the FRONTIERS team in communicating and disseminating the residencies program, namely by doing a takeover of one of FRONTIERS’ social media accounts for a short period. 

FRONTIERS fellows are also expected to provide feedback on the residency as requested by the FRONTIERS team, during and after the residency.

What is included in a FRONTIERS fellowship?

FRONTIERS fellows will be entitled to receive a monthly payment covering travel, accommodation and eligible daily expenses up to 4,000 euros (early-career), 5,000 euros (mid-career), or 6,000 euros (established), based on EU rules.

FRONTIERS fellows in residency will integrate a community of science journalists, benefiting from valuable training and networking opportunities. 

All fellows will be invited to participate in the project’s final conference, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal.

What if something does not go as planned during the FRONTIERS residency?

FRONTIERS has a Coordination and Support Office to support both science journalists and host institutions both in the application phase and in managing possible controversies during and after the residencies.

To contact the FRONTIERS Coordination and Support Office, use the email