Peace Research Institute Oslo – PRIO

The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) conducts research on the conditions for peaceful relations between states, groups and people. Research excellence lies at the heart of the institute’s identity.

PRIO hosts six projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC), awarded with scientific excellence as the sole criterion. It has a higher number of such grants per researcher than any other host institution in Norway. PRIO’s ERC projects examine specific aspects of armed conflict, development, migration, and climate change. All engage with theoretically or methodologically challenging dimensions of time: understanding the past, anticipating the future, or disentangling social transformations.

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– ANTICIPATE: Anticipating the impact of armed conflict on human development (ERC Advanced Grant, 2022-2027), led by Håvard Hegre

The interdisciplinary team of ANTICIPATE studies how armed conflict impacts various aspects of human development, taking local vulnerabilities into account, and expands the VIEWS early-warning system to also alert to the humanitarian impact of war.

– AWAR: Adapted to War (ERC Starting Grant, 2021-2026), led by Henrikas Bartusevičius

Was war a common feature of life during human evolution? To address this question AWAR draws on multiple disciplines, including anthropology, cognitive science, and psychology, and conducts online psychophysiological experiments in 40 countries.

– FUMI: Future Migration as Present Fact (ERC Consolidator Grant, 2018-2025), led by Jørgen Carling

FUMI addresses the research question How does migration that has not yet taken place shape the lives of individuals and the development of societies? The project is based on multiple forms of data collection among young adults in three West African cities.

– MigrationRhythms: Migration rhythms in trajectories of upward social mobility in Asia (ERC Starting Grant, 2021-2026), led by Marta Bivand Erdal

What is driving the tremendous middle-class expansion in Asia and how is it related to the unprecedented levels of migration there? To answer this, the project applies rhythmanalysis and uses a mixed-methods research design, including family history interviews and survey data from four Asian cities.

– POLIMPACT: Enabling politically sensitive climate change impact assessments for the 21st century (ERC Advanced Grant, 2022-2027), led by Halvard Buhaug

Scenarios used by the IPCC to assess climate change impacts by design assume that there will be no conflict or instability in the future. POLIMPACT will develop and use new political scenarios and thus foster more realistic risk assessments.

– ViEWS PoC: Violence Early-Warning System (ERC Proof of Concept Grant, 2022-2024), led by Håvard Hegre

This PoC allows the political Violence Early-Warning System (ViEWS) research group to explore the societal potential of their work.

Centre for Science Studies

The Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University is a leading institution dedicated to pioneering research in several key domains of science studies, encompassing philosophy of science, history of science and technology, and science communication. Our comprehensive approach in these areas reflects our commitment to deepening the understanding of science and its societal impacts.

In the realm of philosophy of science, our work is at the forefront of exploring fundamental questions and debates. Our focus includes a critical examination of realism versus anti-realism, delving into how these philosophical standpoints influence our understanding of scientific truth. Additionally, we are investigating the role of theoretical virtues in the process of theory choice, offering insights into how scientific theories are selected and validated. A significant portion of our research is also dedicated to the social epistemology of science, with a particular emphasis on issues related to scientific authorship, collaboration, and the dynamics of scientific publication.

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Our history of science and technology research delves into the transformative scientific and technological advancements of the 20th century. We are exploring the environmental impacts and implications of these developments, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of their role in shaping the modern world. Furthermore, our research extends to examining the historical significance of popular science, investigating how it has influenced public perception and engagement with scientific knowledge.

In the field of science communication, our research is breaking new ground in several key areas. We are analyzing the evolving landscape of science journalism and the representation of science in the media, addressing how these mediums shape public understanding and discourse. Our research also encompasses the innovative intersections of art and science, examining how these collaborations can enhance public engagement with scientific concepts. A critical aspect of our work in science communication is understanding public trust and mistrust in scientific expertise, a topic that has become increasingly relevant in contemporary society.

Through our rigorous and interdisciplinary research, the Centre for Science Studies at Aarhus University is not only contributing to academic discourse but also addressing vital questions about the role and perception of science in our world today.

African Studies Centre Leiden

Research on developments on the African continent (sub-Sahara), with a focus on migration, youth, history, politics, economics, religion, languages, finance & banking, and demography.