University of Graz – Climate Change

Understanding the climate system and climate change, exploring changing climate risks and impacts, low carbon transition solutions and building climate resilience are the major aims of one field of excellence at the University of Graz. At the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change scientists from geophysics and climate physics, meteorology, economics, transition research, geography and regional research deal with both the physically oriented and the socio-economic aspects of climate change and global change as well as the transition to a low-carbon world.

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They are part of the network Climate Change Graz, an association of more than 100 researchers who investigate which economic, production-related, social, political and legal changes are necessary for a profound and sustainable transformation. In addition to scientific excellence the goal is to raise awareness of the urgency and personal concern, especially among opinion leaders and multipliers. And, in a further step, to initiate the creation of new framework conditions that can lead to changes in the behaviour of organisations, companies and people.
There are four research groups at the Wegener Center tackling questions such as: How is global warming developing? How are individuals and society affected by climate change? How do we achieve the net-zero target?

The University of Graz is located in the south-east of Austria. Founded in 1585, it is the second oldest and – with almost 30,000 students and nearly 5000 employees – also the second largest university of the country. It has six faculties – Humanities, Catholic Theology, Natural Sciences, Law, Social and Economic Sciences as well as Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences. Their key objective is to conduct research at the highest level in these areas. Journalists in residence will have the opportunity to gain insights in all of them.